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A/N: Hello my loves, I just finished editing this tonight and I'm really excited for all of you guys to read it! Hope you enjoy :) x


 Louis is hoping and praying that Tuesday won't be a lecture day in history.

He's dragging himself up the stairs of the history building, rubbing his bleary eyes and repressing yawn after yawn. It's one of those days. 

Somehow, his prayers are answered, and Stevens says that they'll be doing a group activity instead of taking notes. Louis internally fist pumps and thanks the master of the universe, whoever that may be, for having mercy.

"I've passed out various documents about the Trail of Tears, labeled A through J. There are five of each document distributed around the room. When I say so, you will find the other four students who have received the same document as you, and you will write out a short summary, followed by a very brief analysis. Once you are finished, you will go about the room, finding one person from each letter group and you will copy what they've written down. It will be like a scavenger hunt; your goal by the end of the period is to get all document summaries, from A until J, written down on your paper. Understood?"

Louis looks down at his paper as the class mumbles a dissonant "Yes."

He's got document E. 

He peeks over at Harry's paper. Document D.

Damn it. So close. 

Stevens tells them to find their groups, and Louis finds his on the other side of the room. They're all talking about a party they went to the weekend before and the boys they hooked up with. Louis tries his best to tune them out. 

He glances across the room, and sees Niall, who's smirking at him. Louis raises his eyebrows, giving him a look, as if to say, "What do you want?" Niall gestures to his left with a quick nod of his head, where the rest of his group is sitting, and Louis's eyes jump two seats over and woah, Harry Styles is in his group.

Louis's eyes widen, and he looks back toward Niall, who's shaking with silent laughter at Louis's reaction. "Lucky," Louis mouths, crossing his arms. 

Niall doesn't respond, instead getting a wicked gleam in his eye. Louis is suddenly terrified. 

"So, Harry," Niall says loudly, grinning nastily at Louis, and yup, Louis wants to die. 

Harry turns to look at Niall questioningly. Niall continues. "You're on the water polo team, yeah?"

Harry looks confused. "Yeah, I am."

"So you obviously get a lot of girls, yeah?"

Louis wants to find a hole in the ground to cry in.

Harry shrugs, smiling widely. "I don't know, maybe," he says nonchalantly, though there's a twinkle in his eye. 

"What about boys?" 

Louis thinks his face has burned clean off by now. He resists the urge to pull his sweater up over his face and hide, like a turtle retreating into its shell.

Harry's smile doesn't falter. "Maybe boys too," he says quietly, before Stevens instructs them to get started.

Louis is dead. Very, very dead. As dead as one could possibly be. 

He tries not to smile and fails miserably. The excitement bubbles in Louis's stomach. Harry's into girls and guys?

Harry's into guys.


Afterwards, he only half-listens to the girls' conversation about their document. He glances over at the blonde nearest him, and copies down what she wrote, word for word. Not like it matters, anyways. 

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