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A/N: It has been an entire MONTH since I updated this and I am SO sorry.
I've been so bad with updating recently, I'm really really sorry. March has been a hectic month for me :( 
I want to start updating my WIPs in order, I think, because I now have three. So, I think the next story I'm going to update will be "this mind is a black hole," and then I'll update "who's gonna save us tonight," and then after that I'll update this story again, and etcetera. It just makes things easier for me, so that I don't have to pick and choose. Just letting you guys know :) OOH AAAAND thank you for 15k reads on this by the way! <3
I think the next chapter I post is going to be more focused on Harry and Louis' relationship -- this chapter's more about the dance, which is their first official date, and -- well, you'll see how that turns out ;)
I have much homework to do, so this isn't going to be edited for a day or two, probably. I apologize in advance for any mistakes, and I hope you enjoy part sixteen! Let me know what you think in the comments :) 


Nick hates him.

Louis says so much to Harry, and Harry shakes off the statement, saying that it'd be impossible for anyone to hate Louis (which is aw).

But, Louis sees how Nick is watching Harry throughout the night, so, he thinks he might have figured out why he might not be Nick's favorite person.

(He also might be a bit of a possessive fuck, because once he realizes this, he pulls Harry closer to him and barely ever leaves his side the entire time they're at Nick's.)

Finally, it's time to take pictures, so everyone starts getting their boutonnieres and corsages on. Louis's quite excited about this, because he's never quite done it before.

A really great guy named Ed takes pictures for them, of Louis pinning Harry's boutonniere on him and vice versa. Ed then proceeds to go around the entire room and show everyone Louis and Harry's pictures, and then everyone starts coming up with couple names for him and Harry, and then somehow people start tweeting things like "Larry is my otp" -- which, what?

Louis feels like he needs to pinch himself. Is this real? Harry's friends, somehow, fucking love him -- all but one, that is. This is -- this can't be actually happening. 

Harry says he's going to go talk to some people for a bit and that he'll be right back, giving Louis a peck on the cheek before he goes. Louis blushes and watches Harry walk away, frame strong and square in his suit jacket. Louis's got no idea how he managed to land himself with someone so fucking hot. 

He feels someone poke his side. "Louis!" 

Louis turns, and he can feel himself break out into a large smile. "Dani!"

Danielle smiles and wraps her arms around him, and Louis laughs. "Dani, I didn't know you were going to be here! Who's your date?"

She pulls back and blushes, motioning to the guy standing behind her, and -- and it's Liam

"Liam!" Louis nearly shouts, flinging himself at him, and Liam laughs, stumbling backwards. Then, a realization hits, and Louis pulls back and narrows his eyes at Liam. "You and Danielle? Since when?" he hisses, and Dani rolls her eyes. "I can hear you, you know."

"Shush." Louis wags his finger at her without looking away from Liam. "This is best -friend talk, Danielle."

Danielle's expression turns incredulous, but Louis can tell by the sparkle in her eye that she knows he's just messing around. "Alright, be that way. I'll leave you two to your 'talk' then. Liam love, I'll be back soon, yeah? I'm going to go talk to Harry for a bit and embarrass Louis."

Louis whips around to face her. "Heeeey! No!"

Danielle just winks and giggles, before spinning around and scurrying to where Harry's having an animated conversation with Drew. 

it makes me wonder ~ larry stylinson [book 1]Where stories live. Discover now