twenty (epilogue)

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A/N: Hope you like this final chapter! Warning: extreme amounts of sappiness and fluff. There's a much longer author's note at the end, I want to save all the weepiness for after the story is over :,)

UPDATE: I have posted a few extras to this story, if anyone was not aware -- meaning there are now more than twenty chapters to this story! Check em out :)


June 2015



Louis holds his arms out and spins in a circle slowly, feeling an extraordinarily massive amount of deja vu settle over him as he does so. 

Zayn smirks from where he's standing across the room, leaning against the wall in his own tux. "You look hot. I've done good." He says it jokingly, the very same words he'd said to Louis before winter formal months and months ago, but with laughter dancing in his eyes. 

Louis raises his eyebrows at his best friend, trying to hold back a smile and failing. "Thanks man."

Zayn walks over to him, quiff bouncing slightly as he moves. He reaches out and tugs on Louis's blazer a bit, then straightens his tie. He then lets out a small laugh, and Louis gives him a questioning look. 

"I still can't believe," Zayn mutters, "that you actually let me punch a guy for you."

Louis lets out a loud bark of laughter. "It was for nothing too, that's the best part."

"Not entirely. Regardless of whether or not I had the wrong idea at the time, he was still a jerk, and he still deserved it."

"He apologized," Louis says quietly, reaching over to fix Zayn's bowtie in return.

Zayn rolls his eyes. "Whatever."

Louis chuckles quietly. "Thanks for being so good about all of it though. For understanding."

Zayn shrugs. "We were all blinded at least a little bit, at the time."

Louis nods in agreement, but doesn't have the time to say anything more, because his mom is calling their names up the stairs. 

"Ah," Louis says quietly, "That'll be them."

Zayn swallows thickly. "I'm kind of nervous. Is that bad?"

Louis smiles warmly at his friend. "Not at all. But honestly, you've got nothing to be worried about. Tom's a great guy."

"We've never actually hung out that much before, though. Like, when he asked me, it was totally out of nowhere."

"Trust me. You'll be fine. More than fine, probably."

"Louis!" Jay calls up the stairs again, and Louis sighs. "Coming!" he shouts out the door in response, and turns back to Zayn. "Ready?"

Zayn takes a deep breath, adjusts his quiff, and nods. 


When Louis and Zayn walk into the Tomlinson living room, Harry and his mom are talking to Jay, all laughing at something Harry said.

Louis's not surprised. The first time he brought Harry home to meet his family, they were all charmed instantly. He's still got no idea how he does it. 

Then, Harry turns his head ever so slightly, and catches Louis's eye. 

Louis wishes now that he could've filmed the way Harry's face lit up, because it was easily one of the most gorgeous things Louis has ever seen. He's beaming at Louis, eyes sparkling -- it was the eyes, Louis thinks, the eyes were what did it for him. Louis fell in love with those eyes the second he really, properly looked into them that first time, on that first day of school. 

it makes me wonder ~ larry stylinson [book 1]Where stories live. Discover now