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A/N: wow wow wow. look at that. two updates in two consecutive days! it's been a while since this has happened!
let me know what you think <3


you got time tonight? let's try and finish up the project :) 

Louis's heart picks up as he reads the text Harry sent him, for a few reasons -- good and bad.

One: he's going to get to hang out with Harry tonight.

Two: once they finish the project, they won't have to meet up outside of school anymore. And if they don't have to meet up outside of school anymore, they probably won't continue hanging out and stuff. And they'll go back to just being classroom friends, and they won't get anywhere.

Louis sighs as he types back a quick response, saying he's free, and bites his lip. He enjoyed it while it lasted. And, who knows, maybe he'll be able to make up some excuse to work on homework with Harry at the coffee shop for some other class or something. He'll figure something out.

great! you hungry? we can stop by somewhere and have some dinner before goin to the coffee shop, if you want

Louis's heart is stuck in his throat as he types a response with shaky fingers. 

for sure, im always up for food :) time?

hmm...15 minutes?

perfect, see you then :) 

:) :) :) x

Louis can't stop smiling, he just can't do it. He tugs off his sweats and pulls on some jeans, smiling like a crazy person the entire time. He's going to go get dinner with Harry. Not, like, for a date or anything. But. Still. Wow. 

He hops down the stairs, skittering into the kitchen and nearly crashing straight into his mom. She gasps, nearly dropping the cup of coffee she's holding, and Louis laughs. "Sorry! Just wanted to tell you that I'm meeting up with Harry to finish up our history project in like, ten minutes or so."

She raises an eyebrow at him. "Alright, that's fine with me, just be back before ten. I don't want anything funny going on, you hear me?" She's wagging her finger in his face, and he can feel his cheeks reddening. 

"Nothing's going to happen, I swear. We're...we're just friends."

She just laughs and shakes her head. "The way you talk about him, sweetheart, makes me think that you're not just friends."

Louis (wisely) chooses not to respond to that, and instead goes to grab a glass of water as his mother's walking out the kitchen door into the living room. The second he drains the glass, his phone buzzes in his pocket. Louis's face heats up again. 

He checks his phone and sees that Harry's here and is telling him to come outside, and Louis's heart starts going into overtime. He sets his glass down in the sink and bounds out of the kitchen, pressing a quick kiss to his mom's cheek before leaving. 

As he's walking down the path, he shoves his hands in his pockets, shivering slightly at the cool air that runs straight through his thin t-shirt. He looks up to see where Harry parked, and then his legs go numb, and he thinks he might fall over. 

Harry's standing there, leaning against his car, beaming at Louis with a bouquet of orchids in his hand. HIs hair is pushed up the way Louis likes it, and he's wearing a flannel that's unbuttoned halfway, so that the golden glory of his chest is on full display. 

That's not what really gets to Louis, though. 

What makes Louis seriously consider that this entire thing is a dream is the huge sign taped to the side of Harry's car. 

it makes me wonder ~ larry stylinson [book 1]Where stories live. Discover now