(extra no. 1)

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A/N: Hey again! Before you say anything, YES I KNOW that I only just finished this story a couple of days ago, and I KNOW it's probably a little soon to be posting an extra. But I got an idea, and I just had to write it because it makes me happy and I refuse to believe that this story is over. Hope you like it, enjoy (finally) getting a glimpse into Harry's mind :)

Description: Louis has questions. Harry is more than happy to answer them -- but only if Louis answers a few questions of his own.


July 2015


"What made you change your mind?"

Harry turns his head lazily from where it was lolled back onto the couch cushion. He raises his eyebrows. "Come again?"

Louis can't help but smile as he walks over to his boyfriend from the entrance to the kitchen, popcorn and chips in hand. The main menu of "Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire" is on loop on the television, and Harry reluctantly leans forward from his comfortable position to grab the remote and mute it, plunging the room into a sudden silence. 

Louis sets the snacks on the coffee table, bags making crinkling noises as he does so. He then flops down onto the couch, and he and Harry curl into each other naturally, instinctively.

Louis sighs contentedly. "I dunno, I was thinking for a bit this morning, and I realized that we've never actually talked about this. What made you change your mind about me, during our junior year? On that first day you actually talked to me, when you were waiting by my locker...it was all kind of out of nowhere, wasn't it? I didn't really know what to do with myself. At first, I was certain you were joking around with me."

Harry doesn't say anything, and when Louis cranes forward to look at his face -- they're pressed so close together that merely turning wouldn't be enough to see Harry's face -- he sees that Harry's blushing. "Oh," Harry says finally, "That. Um. Funny story, actually. Long, too. Kind of embarrassing though."

"S'okay, we've got time. My mom's not going to be home from work for hours. You can talk for as long as you want," Louis says jokingly, but Harry just blushes harder. "But I want to watch the movie!"

"We will, there's plenty of time to do both. The faster you tell me, the sooner we'll get to watch itttt," he says in a sing-song voice. Harry presses his lips together and doesn't say anything.

After a little while, Louis gets impatient, and pokes Harry's cheek. "Tell meee," he whines, and Harry pouts. "I don't know..."

Alright, that's it then. Time to bring out the secret weapon.

He noses into Harry's neck, eliciting a shiver from him, before leaning back again and looking him dead in the eyes. He bites his lip and looks up at him from beneath his eyelashes. "Please?"

At first, Harry seems determined to not be swayed, but after a few seconds, his facade cracks. He sighs. "You're a menace." He untangles their limbs and turns so that he's sitting on the couch, facing Louis. Louis does the same, sitting criss-cross-applesauce like a toddler ready for storytime. Harry laughs at the eager expression on Louis's face. "You've got to promise that you won't laugh."

Louis smirks. "It's really that bad?"

"Sort of. Promise me."

Louis rolls his eyes. "Sure, I promise."

"And you also have to promise --"

"I never agreed to make any more promises, Harold -- "

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