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A/N: Well well well!!
Things are happeninggg and I'm really excited about it. Wow. Look at Larry go. 
I hope you like this, especially since things are (finally) starting to get moving! Sorry it's kind of short, but I've got finals and such to study for -- which I haven't done yet by the way and it's already 9 pm oh gosh it's a miracle I even got this done tonight.
Bear with me about any mistakes; haven't edited, don't think I'll have time to tonight. Maybe tomorrow, though. Possibly.
Hope you like it, and lots of love to all of you! x


February 2014


"Oh stop your moaning and groaning, I'm assigning you this project and that is that!"

Louis rolls his eyes when Mr. Stevens isn't looking, catching Niall's eye from across the room and making a face. Niall turns away to hide his grin. 

"It's going to be a partner project," Mr. Stevens continues, and a wave of whispering consumes the classroom, peoples' eyes perking up as they turn around to make eye contact with their best friends and start silently agreeing to be partners. Louis gives Niall a questioning look himself, and Niall nods. Louis settles back into his seat, satisfied; partner projects with Niall are always the best. Even if they never really get much work done. 

"Don't get too excited though, because I'm assigning you your partners this time." 

The class starts groaning again, and Louis pouts. 


"Your project is to pick five of the most prominent and influential figures of American history, from the revolutionary era all the way through post-civil war reconstruction, and then write a paper about them. More information is on the handout I've placed on the stool by the door; be sure to grab one on your way out."

The bell rings as soon as he finishes his sentence, and Louis sighs, putting away his things. 

"You'll be getting your partner assignments tomorrow!" Stevens calls out over the rustling of papers, the zipping of backpacks, and the chatter of students. 

Niall is waiting for Louis at the door by the time Louis gets his things together. Louis heaves his backpack over his shoulder with a loud sigh. 

Someone pokes him in the side, and Louis turns around with a smile already in place -- because, who else could it be?

"Don't be so down, Lou. If you sigh too much, you'll deflate!"

"That wasn't funny Harry."

The hopeful smile that had been on Harry's face falls into a grimace, though the light in his eyes doesn't fade. "I'll get you eventually."

Louis rolls his eyes and smiles, despite himself. "You keep trying," he calls over his shoulder as he makes his way over to Niall.

"Oh I will, that's a promise!"

Louis's still smiling as he and Niall walk out the door. 

"Y'know," Niall says quietly as they make their way to the stairs, with Harry and Cara trailing somewhere behind them. "He doesn't seem all that bad."

"Told you," Louis says smugly, and Niall scoffs. "You're disgusting."

"But you love me."



"Now, onto the next order of business: partnerships."

Louis sits up straighter in his seat. 

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