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A/N: Someone commented something on the last chapter that gave me an idea. I'm pretty sure it had been a joke, but. Well.
I'm not sure who it was, but whoever it was will know that it was them after they read this chapter, because what they said they wanted to happen ends up happening haha, so thanks to whoever commented that <3
(Jk now I know who it was, I went back and found them. Thanks @LilacLarreh , here is a dedication for you x )
Anyways, this took me forever to write bc I couldn't make it happen just right and I hope it all worked but I'm still not sure :/ 
Hope you guys like this one, vote and comment please! x


His phone doesn't stop going off throughout the rest of the weekend. And nine times out of ten, it's Harry. Otherwise, it's Zayn checking in on him, and Niall sending stupid, random things because Louis hasn't told him what happened yet.

He always responds to Zayn and Niall. Harry's texts and voicemails, however, remain unopened and unanswered. 

His mother had been very understanding about the entire situation, and allowed him to skip school on Monday. A part of him is angry with himself for needing a day off in the first place; he should be at school, showing Harry that he doesn't need him. But in all honesty, he just can't bring himself to face Harry or Nick yet.

He sleeps in until noon and makes himself scrambled eggs for breakfast. He determinedly leaves his phone face-down where it's plugged in on his bedside table, and watches Full House re-runs, getting some homework done here and there as well. 

Only when his mom gets home from work and starts making their dinner does he decide to check his phone, because at least she's here if he has another breakdown.

He sees three missed calls and seven texts from Zayn:

(6:55) ive been waiting outside your house for 15 min, called you tons. come outside

(6:59) already crazy late, can't wait any longer, sorry man. your mom's car is gone though so im hoping she drove you to school today?

(8:23) where are you? ditching?

(10:52) you ok?

(11:30) lou cmon

(1:05) harry came up to me at lunch asking for you. i told him to go fuck himself

(1:30) hope everythings ok, text me when you can xxx

Fuck, he forgot to text Zayn last night to tell him that he didn't need a ride this morning. And he went and made him late to class. He pinches the bridge of his nose, taking a deep breath. He's an awful friend, really.

There are also three texts from Niall:

(11:27) ppl keep talkin bout somethin that happened w u and harry. is it true?

(12:17) im takin that as a yes. hes dumb as shit

(12:18) fucker

Louis groans to himself. Fuck fuck fuck. Not only does Niall know, but apparently there are already rumors. Fucking hell.

There's a glaring "47" burning into the screen next to Harry's name. He braces himself, and clicks on Harry's name.

The texts he sees can roughly be summarized by these:

(Mar 15) whered you go?

(Mar 15) did you leave? howd you get home?

(Mar 15) you ok?

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