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A/N: So, this one's a bit shorter than the others, but I'm pretty proud of it. It may be my favorite chapter yet. 
Of course, I had to put that bit about Instagram in there, because we've all been there and done that, right? (No? Oh.)
Anyways, I really hope you guys like this one, there will definitely be more coming soon! Thank you for all of your reads, comments, and votes so far, and I hope you continue to like the rest of this story just as much. 
I really, really love hearing from you all. You don't understand how happy I get every time I get a notification that someone commented, like, comments are my very favorite thing in the world, probably. So. Yeah. If you could spare the time to leave a comment, you would make me a very happy person. 
Uhhh I think that's about it. I hope you're all doing great, and I hope your holiday breaks are going great as well. I think this is going to be my last update of 2013, which feels kind of really strange in a way. I hope you all have a very happy and safe new year, and I love you all <3 


Tonight, Louis has decided to attempt the impossible.

He just found Harry Styles on Instagram. And he's currently opened to Harry's profile -- which is private, so Louis can't see any of his photos -- and is debating on whether or not he should click the follow button. 

Should he do it? Would he come off as creepy? What if Harry doesn't follow him back? 

He sighs. Zayn would know what to do. He thinks he should talk to Zayn. 

So he does.

"Zayn!" he says excitedly when Zayn picks up the phone. "I found Harry on Instagram!"

He can practically hear Zayn rolling his eyes. "That's great, Lou."

"Yeah, I know right?"


The line is silent for a bit, Louis nearly bursting with the urge to ask Zayn if he should follow him. But Zayn beats him to the punch. "You gonna follow him?"

"I don't know, should I?"

"I dunno. Up to you."

"Would it be a good idea though? Or like, is it stupid?"

"S'not stupid."

"You sure?"

"Yeah, 'course. You obviously want to follow him, so do it."

"What if he doesn't follow me back?"

"He will."

"But what if he doesn't?"

"Then you deal with it and move on."

"Easier said than done, Z."

"Christ, it's just Instagram. It's not that big of a deal. This is so stupid, I can't believe we're actually having this conversation."

"I'm so scared, Zayn," Louis nearly whispers, not acknowledging Zayn's comment.

Zayn doesn't say anything. Louis sighs.

"Fine. I'll do it. But if it goes badly, I'm blaming you."

Zayn snorts. "Sure, okay. Whatever."

"Okay. Bye."

The line goes dead. 

Louis takes a deep breath and taps on the Instagram icon. It's still open to Harry's profile. 

He bites his lip and quickly taps the follow button. It turns from blue to gray, and now says "Requested," and Louis might die. 

What if Harry doesn't even accept his request?

it makes me wonder ~ larry stylinson [book 1]Where stories live. Discover now