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A/N: Hope you like it <3 <3 


November 2013


It's been approximately three weeks since the first time Harry and Louis had a conversation.

It feels like it's been an eternity.

Louis is currently at his locker, shoving his psychology textbook inside while a stream of profanities echoes through his mind. 

Fuck school, fuck psychology, fuck waking up early, fuck how fucking cold it is out, fuck having history at seven in the fucking morning, fuck the pathetic nature of being infatuated with someone unattainable, fuck it all. 


Louis sighs. Whoever that is sounds way too fucking perky this early in the morning.

He turns to the left and sees Liam jogging toward him. Of course.

"Hey Li," Louis says quietly, jamming his history binder into his backpack. "You're awfully cheerful this morning."

Liam shrugs, bouncing up and down on his toes and grinning widely. "It's finally Friday!"

Despite the annoying overly-optimistic attitude, Louis can't help but smile, because it's Liam. Liam's one of the very few happy-go-lucky people that Louis can mostly tolerate. "That it is, young Liam, that it is."

Movement behind Liam catches Louis's eye, and Louis glances over Liam's shoulder, only to succumb to a sensation similar to that of being punched in the gut. 

Harry. Of course.

He seems to be walking alone at first, wearing a very comfortable looking light blue hoodie. His hair is damp and his eyes are red, eyelids swollen and drooping. He's got his arms crossed over his stomach, slouching as if trying to keep warm. 

"Hurry up Nick," Harry says exasperatedly, turning on his heel and walking a few steps in the opposite direction, then pivoting again, pacing back and forth.

Then Louis notices Nick at his locker a little ways away from Harry, in a black windbreaker that looks much too big for him. He looks equally as exhausted as Harry. "I'm trying, calm down."

Harry rolls his eyes, shoves his hands in the pocket of his sweatshirt and slouches down even further. "God, fuck morning practice," he nearly shouts, lightly kicking the bottom locker nearest him. Heads turn to stare at Harry as he does so, but Harry doesn't seem to notice or care. "Come on Nick!"

Louis hurriedly turns around to face his locker again, mind blanking. What else was he supposed to get again?

All he can think about is that he has to get out of the hall before Harry and Nick do. Or even after. He just doesn't want them all to walk out at the same time because Louis's going to feel awkward and he's going to want Harry to talk to him but then Harry won't and he'll be sad and yeah.


Louis jumps, dropping his backpack on the floor. He sighs exasperatedly. "Liam, don't scare me like that!"

Liam looks confused. "All I did was say your name? I'm sorry, you just seemed kind of...distracted."

"No, no, I'm not distracted, I'm just -- just a little tired is all, yeah, that's all."

Liam cocks an eyebrow but doesn't comment. 

By the time Louis gets his things together, Harry and Nick walk past the two of them and out the door of the locker hall. He breathes a sigh of relief, and slams his locker door shut, slinging his backpack over his shoulder. "Let's go."

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