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A/N: Hello my loves :) Sooo here's my part two of it makes me wonder, and I really hope you guys enjoy reading it just as much as I enjoyed writing it!
Those of you worried about this mind is a black hole; it's all good! Week four is currently in progress and will be up at some point very soon! I don't know when exactly, because I am a picky individual and spend days trying to clean up my writing, but it won't be long, don't fret :) 
This story is very special to me and makes me very, very happy, and I really love writing it; so obviously, feedback is invaluable. Please please pleaseeee tell me what you think. 
Listen to "Arms" by Christina Perri; it's old but gold! Link on the right. 
I cannot thank you all enough for reading <3 Hope you enjoy


Louis has a test and he's going to be late. 

He's speedwalking, chanting fuck fuck fuck under his breath. He'd stayed up so late the night before to study for his big history exam that he slept through his alarm. Thankfully, he woke up only fifteen minutes after he was supposed to, and he managed to get to school fairly quickly.

He's close though. Very, very close. And if he's late, Stevens won't let him take the test. He'll fail him and then Louis will cry and drown in his own misery.

Louis's practically running at this point; he climbs the stairs, rounds a corner -- the door's in sight now -- and walks so fast that he thinks his shoes are going to fall off.

He walks into the classroom before the bell rings, and he breaths out a sigh of relief. He scuttles over to his desk and opens up his backpack, taking out his essays and the packet of worksheets that he did the night before. Everyone's currently dropping them on their respective piles in the front of the room.

He staples his papers together and walks over to turn them in, passing Harry as he goes. Harry glances at him -- which is meaningless, Louis's right in front of him, there's no way he couldn't see him -- but doesn't say anything.

The bell rings, and Stevens walks out of his office. "Everyone sit down, nothing but pencils on your desks please!"

Louis makes his way over to his desk and pulls out a pencil. His feet are nervously tapping on the carpet, and he's still breathing hard from running to class. 

Harry's wearing a really soft-looking sweater today, and Louis scoffs quietly. That's too distracting to be allowed. 

And then Stevens places a test on his desk, and Louis braces himself. It's go-time.


Louis's really tired by the time he gets to Spanish. The test was kind of difficult -- Louis hadn't read one whole chapter though, so that's probably why -- but Louis doesn't really care about what grade he'll get on it anymore. All he knows is that it's over, which means that he'll be able to take a nap when he gets home. 

Harry is standing at the desk in front of Louis's, talking to the boy who's sitting in it -- his name's Drew, and he's also on the water polo team -- when Louis walks into the room. He's eating a sandwich, and also is, again, right in the middle of the aisle, with his back to Louis. Louis has to tap him on the shoulder again to get by. 

Harry scoots off to the side for Louis to walk by, but doesn't say anything, just continues listening to Drew talk about whatever he was talking about. Louis sits down and tries to not look at Harry, focusing on his desk and his shoes and the hem of his sweater. He picks at a few loose strings. He has to buy new clothes; everything he has right now is coming apart at the seams. 

He dares to look up, and is met with a heart-stopping sight.

Harry Styles is looking at him. Drew is talking, but Harry's looking at Louis.

it makes me wonder ~ larry stylinson [book 1]Where stories live. Discover now