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A/N: Okay, I don't know what this is. A lot of things are happening in this fic, and I'm not entirely sure how or why. It's a little different, and a little all over the place hahaha so, sorry? 
I went to the dentist today and I found out that I have to go to some tooth specialist person to get three "deep fillings," because the enamel on some of my molars never fully formed, apparently. So I'm really upset, because I don't like having needles in my mouth. And I'm scared. Needless to say, it's been a pretty shit day. So, some lovely comments from all of you on this chapter are just what I need to cheer me up -- please, if you can, it'd be wonderful to hear what you think of this! You don't have to if you don't want to, obviously,'d make me happy :) 
Anyways, I hope you enjoy this chapter, and I hope everything is going well for you right now in whatever it is that you're all off doing. Lots of love to all of you x


Louis is very, very fond of car rides. In fact, he likes them so much that sometimes, he's actually disappointed when he finally reaches his destination, because he'll have to shut off his music and get out of the cozy, comfortable vehicle and interact with people on the outside and it's so much work.

This time, though, it's different.

Louis's in Harry's car. Louis is feeling claustrophobic. Yes, Louis is feeling claustrophobic and very nauseous. 

Louis needs to get out of the car. 

Does he try to talk to Harry? Should he just continue avoiding eye contact? Would it be weird to, like, look at him for a second? What if Louis smells? What if Harry changes his mind and turns around to take Louis back home because Louis's not cool enough for him? What if Harry's only pretending to want to be Louis's friend?

He's going to be sick.

 And what's worse, is that the coffee shop Harry wants to go to isn't exactly close to Louis's house. So, they're looking at a fifteen minute drive -- maybe twenty, depending on how many red lights they hit -- until Louis can get out of this suffocating metal death trap.

Okay, maybe he's exaggerating a little. But, he's having a panic attack, so he thinks he's justified.

"So Louis," Harry says with a smile, and Louis swallows thickly. "I heard our school's debate team had a huge competition last weekend. Did you go?"

Louis shifts in his seat, trying to get more comfortable. "Yeah, I did! It went great, we won the award for best school which was beyond exciting."

Harry's face lights up and he smiles all big and wide and toothy, and Louis feels his heart fill up with an inexplicable fondness for this boy, because Harry cares about the debate team of all things, a team that he isn't even part of. He's genuinely happy for them. With everyone nowadays being on the defensive when it comes to anything and everything and only caring about themselves, it's really difficult to find genuine, caring people.

But Louis thinks he's struck gold.

"That's fantastic, Lou! I hear you guys are really great, one of the top teams in the nation!"

Louis laughs a bit, looking down at his feet. "Yeah, I mean. Could say that. But our team is full of really talented people, it's all a team effort and it's the fact that we've supported each other so much throughout all of our conferences that's gotten us that title. So. Yeah."

Harry turns to give Louis another blinding smile before focusing on the road. "Yeah, I'm really good friends with a lot of people on the team. Your boyfriend Tom, for example," he says, trying to hold back his laughter. He's eyeing Louis out of the corner of his eye in a way that he probably thinks is sneaky, but is actually so blatantly obvious that Louis wants to punch him (lightly) in the arm.

it makes me wonder ~ larry stylinson [book 1]Where stories live. Discover now