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A/N: sorrysorry:(((
ily all <3


March 2014


Louis is at a party with Harry when it happens. 

Louis's not really one for parties. He prefers to just sit around, relax, maybe hang out with a couple of friends. But he's only ever gone to one actual party, and it wasn't very fun. He ended up having to take care of a very intoxicated Tom the entire time, which wasn't exactly enjoyable, especially because Tom is a mopey drunk and burst into tears, crying nonstop for the following hour and a half.

Anyway, Harry begged him to go to this one party at the house of a friend of his from water polo, because he wanted to spend time with Louis and he thought it would be fun. After massive amounts of begging (and quite a few kisses, which may or may not have swayed Louis's decision), Louis finally agreed.

At this point, he wishes he hadn't.

When Harry's drunk, he likes to latch onto people, like a starfish. For quite a bit of the night, he's glued to Louis's side, which Louis actually enjoyed very much because Harry's quite funny when he's out of it. But then he left to get some pretzels, and now his arm is wrapped around Nick's shoulder and Louis doesn't like it. 

Nick is flushed and happy, beer in hand, cheeks red, and grinning ear to ear. He's glancing over at Louis from time to time, and his smile gets wider and wider every time. Louis wants to punch him in the face. 

He sulks in the corner, giving Nick the evil eye and Harry the sad eye, and Harry's laughing, not seeming to notice.

He needs to distract himself. This is getting ridiculous. 

He wanders into the kitchen, looking for a soda, and finally finds a can of Coke. He snaps it open, taking a gulp and meandering back into the living room.

If he'd only stayed in the kitchen for another minute or so, he probably wouldn't have had to witness this. 

The second he turns the corner, all he sees are Nick's arms wrapped around Harry's neck, their lips pressed together. 

The Coke fizzes and burns in Louis's stomach, threatening to bubble up his throat and out of his mouth. He hiccups, and Nick pulls back, his panicked eyes on Louis's. Harry's just standing there, doing nothing, so Louis sets the can of soda on a side table and scurries out of the house. 

Harry had said that they were getting a ride home from one of his friends, so Louis doesn't know how to get home. He can't call his mom; she'd freak out and ground him forever, and he didn't even tell her where he was going. 

Thankfully, he's got other options. 

He dials the number and the phone rings as he paces along the sidewalk in front of the house, hoping that Harry doesn't notice his absence. Not that he would anyways, he's too busy shoving his tongue down Nick's throat. His breathing gets shallower and shallower, and tears burn in his eyes. 

Then, the phone finally stops ringing. "Yeah?"

Louis breathes a shaky sigh of relief. "Zayn, I -- " he swallows thickly around the lump in his throat. "Can you come pick me up?" His voice cracks towards the end of his sentence, and he can hear the rustling of sheets, as if Zayn just sat up in bed. "Louis? What's wrong? Are you drunk?"

"No, you idiot," Louis hisses, in a slightly harsher tone than he means to. "I'm sorry," he apologizes quickly, before Zayn has time to get offended. "I just really need you to pick me up right now, like. It's -- it's an emergency."

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