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A/N: ik nemi isn't even a thing but idk don't hate pls thx


"- and welcome to our first Comedy Sportz match of the year!" is the first thing that Louis hears as soon as he stumbles into the tiny room, five minutes late. He breathes a sigh of relief as he scans the area for a place to sit -- thank god it's just starting and he hasn't missed anything -- and then he sees Zayn saving a seat for him, bless his soul. He tiptoes around people, trying not to draw too much attention to himself, and sinks down next to Zayn, muttering a quiet "Thanks." Zayn nods and then turns his attention back to the woman speaking into the microphone at the front of the room. 

"We have a lot of really exciting things prepared for you today! Who's ready to laugh?!" 

The entire room erupts in applause, cheers, and whistles. 

"Just give us about five more minutes, and then the fun will begin! Thank you guys!" She waves and then ducks behind the curtains. Music starts to play in the background, and the room erupts into loud, happy chatter.

Louis turns to Zayn. "Do you know who's going on first?"

Zayn shrugs. "Why does it matter? Whether he's in the first group or the second, you'll see him."

"Because Niall asked me this morning if I'd go to his football game, which is starting, like, right now. If he's in the first group, then I'll be able to leave for the second half to watch the end of the match."

Zayn pulls a face. "Niall's had tons of football games so far this year. Why haven't you gone to any before? Why now?"

"Well, because...Um. I don't know. Just. Niall's been asking me to go for a while. And he seemed really excited today when I told him I might."

Zayn raises his eyebrows.

"Zayn, I couldn't just say no to him. He's one of my best friends! If I picked Harry over him, well, that'd be quite awful."

"...But, you have picked Harry over him, technically. I mean, like, you came here first, and you paid to get in and everything. What if Harry's in the second group? Are you going to, like, leave then come back and pay again? Seems like such a hassle."

"I don't know Zayn, if that happens, I'll figure it out."

The two are silent for a bit, Zayn munching on some popcorn and Louis shooting Niall a quick text. 

"So Zayn, what even is this? Like, how does Comedy Sportz work?"

Zayn straightens up from where he had been slouching in his seat and turns to face Louis, leaning forward the way he always does right before he starts one of his long-winded explanations. "So, Comedy Sportz is like a sort of tournament, in a way. Most schools around here have a Comedy Sportz team, who do impromptu games and funny skits and things like that. And they compete against each other in Comedy Sportz matches. It's hilarious, you're going to love it."

Louis rolls his eyes. "Zayn, I knew all of that. I meant, like, the actual match. How do they compete? What happens here?"

"Oh, right. Well, four people from each team go up for the first half an hour, and then they have a fifteen minute break, and then a new set of four people go up for another half hour. And there's a referee who like keeps the games running and things like that."


"Yeah, they like, do these weird game-skit things. It's hard to explain. You'll see."

Louis sighs, tapping his foot on the tile beneath him. "And you're sure Harry's playing today?"

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