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A/N: I hope you guys like this. I'm really tired. And dead, sort of, because school is so all-consuming and ridiculous and I feel like writing these stories are one of the only things that I truly look forward to doing on a daily basis. Your feedback really does mean a lot to me, don't doubt that for a second. I know that all authors say that, but I wish I could somehow prove to you that I mean it, I really mean it so much. Feedback is so important and aaah, I don't even know. So please tell me what you think.
I appreciate all of your reads and comments and votes so far, so thank you for that! Aaaand yeah, that's about it! Enjoy!


Louis's still recovering from yesterday's "changing" incident.

Harry's such an impossible person. Really. Who changes like that in front of everyone? In a room with giant windows, through which everyone can see you taking your clothes off?

God damn you, Harry Styles.

So yeah, this may be a massive problem now. Louis's minor -- major? -- obsession, that is.

Oops. Oh well. No going back now.

When Louis walks to his desk in Spanish today, he almost doesn't notice that Harry Styles is watching him.


His green gaze is fixed upon Louis's, and for once, Louis doesn't flinch, or blush, or quickly look away. It's almost like something has taken away his fear and his insecurities, and is allowing him to look Harry in the eye right now and smile.

And the most insane part about all of this, is that Harry smiles back.

It gets even better though; once the bell rings, Ms. Felise tells them that they have a work period for the entire hour to get started on their oral presentations that are going to be due in two weeks.

So naturally, no one does any work. Everyone just moves about the room and talks instead, or they'd be on their phones, or listening to music, etc.

Louis just gets his phone out, pulling up his music and hitting shuffle. He feels on top of the world.

"Hey Louis!" a voice calls out from across the room.

Louis removes one earbud and turns to the left, and he's met with the sight of Josh waving him over. Louis gets up and makes his way over to where Josh is sitting, arm accidentally brushing against Harry's shoulder as he passes. Harry doesn't say anything. Louis sighs.

"Guess what happened in my English class today?" Josh says excitedly when Louis sits down beside him. Louis puts his other earbud back in, turning it down so that he can hear both Josh and his music. And then Josh is off, ranting about some girl he likes and about how she doesn't pay attention to him, and Louis can't help but feel some deja vu. Because, well, that's his life. He's slightly grateful that he's not alone in this type of situation.

Louis stands up after a while, stretching. He opts for sitting on top of the desk next to Josh instead, because he feels like it.

(Okay that's a lie, he just has a better view of Harry from here when he sits on top of the desk).

Harry's talking to Drew when this girl, Cara, who's sitting near Louis and Josh, -- not at the empty seat next to Josh but one over -- calls Harry's name.

Louis' heart sinks. Cara's in their history class also, and she's absolutely gorgeous and smart. Tons of boys at school like her, and it's ridiculous because there's absolutely nothing to dislike about her.

She's friends with Harry. And something could easily happen between them, if they wanted. And Louis doesn't know what to do with himself.

His heart sinks in his chest, and his face reddens; not in happiness or nervousness this time though, rather, disappointment and shame. How could he ever think he had a chance? How dare he even hope that he had a chance? 

it makes me wonder ~ larry stylinson [book 1]Where stories live. Discover now