(extra no. 2)

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A/N: This idea was an accidental one, given to me by @coachellahood, who commented a thing that lead to all of this. The description below seems super super negative, but I promise you, it's not like a crazy plot twist where Harry and Louis break up or anything. They stay together, always. Trust me. Just read, you'll see.
It's a little out of nowhere, and a bit more serious than the rest of the story -- but I hope you like it regardless! I still really love this story, and it's been over a year since I've started it and I seriously can't thank you all enough for reading it and voting and commenting. The fact that people still actively comment and re-read means the world to me (shout-out to @HAPPlLYLARRY and @unapparentlyarcane , especially) and I love you all loads. 
Thank you again. Updates to "this mind is a black hole" and "someone to admire" are coming soon. If you ever want to talk, inbox me.
Much love always xxxx

****WARNING: This chapter includes a mention of minor character deaths as well as a somewhat detailed war-related discussion, so if you're not comfortable with that then don't read!


Description: Harry's leaving. 


February 2021


"Three years?"

Harry isn't looking at him.

"Babe," Louis says quietly, trying his hardest to keep his voice steady. He gently tilts Harry's chin up. "Harry."

He swallows thickly as he finally locks eyes with Harry, his greens tinged with gray. They're full of childlike fear and nerves as they roam over Louis's face, searchingly. 

"They only just told me today," Harry rumbles quietly in his velvet voice. "I have a few months, but then, yes. Three years."

Louis exhales shakily. "Oh."

They sit there in silence for a bit, Louis's eyes boring into a crack in one of the tiles on their kitchen floor. He's trying so fucking hard to keep the tears back, but his lip is wobbling and he doesn't know how to fucking respond to this, how the fuck is he supposed to -- 

"Louis," Harry says in that tone of his, and his voice cracks and then that's it, Louis's done.

His shoulders shudder as the sobs take over, and Harry wraps his strong arms around Louis's smaller frame, Louis burying his face in Harry's shoulder. 

"B-but what if," Louis blubbers through tears, "what if something happens to you?"

"Highly unlikely babe," Harry says. He swallows thickly. "You -- you know that my specialty is air traffic control. I've got my own little space, away from any danger."

"You don't know th-that!" Louis says through his tears. "You'll still be near there, like -- what if they try to -- to do something to your base or --"

Harry pulls away slightly and sets his hands on Louis's shoulders. "Lou," he says quietly, eyes slightly misty with tears. "Lou, listen to me."

Louis rubs at his eyes furiously, focusing on steadying his breathing. After a minute or so, he's mostly under control. 

Harry leans forward and presses a gentle kiss to Louis's forehead. "You have nothing to worry about, love. I'm not going to be in the midst of any fighting, or anything of the sort. I'm just there to make sure that everything goes the way it's planned. Nothing is going to happen to me."

Louis bites his lip. "P-promise?"

"Yes," Harry says sincerely. "I promise, I swear with everything I've got. I'm going to come back after three years. Nothing's going to happen to me."

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