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A/N: <3


"So I was at the game last night, and I was sitting in the stands with my mom, yeah? And get this - Harry's mom was sitting right in front of us," Zayn says quietly as he and Louis are walking through the locker hall.

Louis nearly squeaks in response.

"So my mom starts pointing at all these guys and pretending to check them out, which was fucking hilarious by the way, and then she pointed at Harry and -"

"Don't you dare fucking tell me that one of you said something about me liking him or I swear -"

Zayn rolls his eyes. "We didn't. What happened is more of an issue for me than you, believe it or not, because she -"

"The last thing I need is for Harry's mom to tell him that I'm creepily obsessed with him or something."

" are. You are creepily obsessed."

"Fuck off."

"Anyways, she pointed at Harry and was like 'Who's that? He's cute.' And I was like 'Yeah, he really is,' and I said it way louder than I should've, without even fucking thinking about the fact that his mom was right fucking there."

Louis freezes, and then suddenly turns on Zayn. " think he's cute?" he says emotionlessly.

"...Yeah, he's fucking hot, Louis. D'you think I'm stupid? Only an idiot wouldn't get that."

Louis's fuming. Mostly in a joking way though. Mostly. "Don't."

"Don't what?"

"Don't be trying to steal my man!"

Zayn pauses, and then bursts out laughing. "Me? Steal your man? You're such a dick, Louis." He's absolutely lost it, wheezing between sentences.

"It's not funny!"

"Yes it is! Don't you know me?! I'd never do that to you! Plus, it's not like he even really knows who I am. Even if his mom did somehow tell him that I think hes hot, I wouldn't have to deal with him thinking I'm creepy or anything because I don't even talk to him, I just watch from afar! It's brilliant."

"And you said this was worse for you than me because?.."

"Because...well. I don't actually know. I'm not really seeing any negativity on my part anymore."

Louis glares at him.


Louis flips him off before tossing his hair and walking away, leaving a laughing Zayn behind.


Louis's really excited when he walks into Spanish later that day because it's Harry's day to present his infomercial.

He's practically bouncing in his seat. He'd heard really good things about Harry's speaking skills from Stan, who's in his English class; apparently, Harry's a natural. He's confident and speaks intelligently, and kills it every time. Louis heard him talking to Lou that morning in history about how his product is a survival bag, for going in the wilderness and camping and all that. Louis can't wait.

The first five presentations go by in a flash. None of them are very memorable.

"Harry, let's see what you've got!" Ms. Felise calls out once the fifth presenter has sat down. Harry takes a deep breath, wipes his hands on his jeans, grabs a large black bag, and walks up to the front of the room.

Louis leans forward in his seat, trying not to grin. 

Harry takes a deep breath. His hands are shaking like mad, and his cheeks are turning dark pink. Louis's eyes widen. Why's he nervous?

it makes me wonder ~ larry stylinson [book 1]Where stories live. Discover now