couldn't fix everything

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"Tried to fix your inner issues with a bad bitch.."-"Needed Me", Rihanna

You tried to fix it all with me
But there was so much i couldn't see
Tried to hide
That darker side
I saw it anyway
When you got angry
Sad, sometimes in the middle
But even more when you walked away.

I tried to show you all the love
That I was capable of
I became so strong
Loud, fierce and I didn't care
What was in front of me
You tried to fix it all
With my gentle heart
But yet hardened mind
In the end it didn't work
You're gone and I'm left hurt

I never told you
That you could have me for good
Cause you never asked
I just wondered
I knew I didn't stand a chance
Cause you didn't do that
But you needed what I gave you
I needed you more
I never got to say those words.

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