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Don't stand by me
I'll stand on my own
I've done it before.

Don't wonder why I don't speak
About the things that bother me
I can handle them on my own.

Sometimes I get tired
Physically and emotionally
But I'm seeing
That's not a possibility
Not in my eyes.

I may have a different view
Than you do
But I expect myself
To be better
Than I ever was
Give you more
Than I was before.

Being awesome isn't easy
That's what you don't always see
I push myself so hard
Because it's what all of you deserve.
Bear with me on the hard days
Just give me a break
And not let me feel guilty
For the things
I can't do
Because I really want to.

I can't always hold up
To everything you want
And then the guilt
Comes in
So hard to handle it
Sometimes even you saying it's okay
Just doesn't sink in
I don't always believe it.

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