the struggle inside

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The anxiety
Wanting a drink
Just one
I'll feel better

That's how I know
It's definitely time to go
Just walk away
Tomorrow is another day
I'll have to face
This struggle I carry
So deep
So far inside of me.

Out of place
So many people I don't know
Even the ones I do
Have others to talk to
Don't know how
To just look okay
Playing on my phone
Works for so long
One shot
One drink
Will fix everything
Or will it?

It's been a month
Since the last one
Haven't wanted one
So badly since
Been stressed
But this is it
Walk away
Go home and be safe
Or stay and throw it all away

Walk to my car
Driving home
Listening to music
Soothing myself
Back to being okay
Glad I walked
Before I did damage
It's not a joke
This struggle is my own.

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