I'm getting kind of tired
when I keep asking to talk
It's obvious you don't care
but come on.
I get you don't like me
and that's perfectly fine
but can't you understand
that each night I feel like dying
There's a few people
that I don't like back
But I'm still willing to talk
Instead of ignoring them. That's like a smack
That leaves a red hand print
right in the face
By the end of the night
I feel like a disgrace.
It's been a few months
since you last replied
Not even the most basic small talk
can get you to say hi
I know that you're online
I got the notification saying so
But as soon as I want to talk
It's like "whoops gotta go"
So I'm forced to stay up late
through all hours of the night
I send my friend a message
At least he kinda cares if I'm alright
You said that you had to go
but he says he's talking to you right now
I know that you're always lying to me
I can't deal with the guilt. So how?
How can you say
that I'm an asshole
And then you lie to my face
But call me the hypocrite though.
That part I don't get
Why don't you just want to talk
It's like you want me to jump of the bridge
No one will try to catch me when I fall.