TMBMAMB 6.1: Travel

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TRAVEL (Preview)

"Take a nap for a couple of hours before we go out. You'll feel a lot better from your jetlag if you do."

I nodded as I sat on the bed.

"I will go have a shower before I take one too. (Checks his watch) It is 1 pm, are you hungry?" he asked as he took of his shirt.

I shook my head as I looked around our room.

"Okay, we'll go eat outside after a nap," were his words before he went in the bathroom.

I did as I was told and not long after, I felt him beside me.


"What would you like to have?" he asked after we both were given menu.

I looked at the dishes and it all looks delicious.

I pointed at the picture that has gotten my interest. It kinda looks disgusting but this urge of eating something has pushed me to picking this one. Being pregnant isn't easy at all huh?

He was quiet for a while looking at the picture I just pointed.

"No, change that. Choose something else," he inclined.

"Then how about this one?" I pointed another one.

"Not that one," he said as he looked at his menu.

I pouted, "Eat by yourself then. I'll be waiting outside."

I stood up as I started to walk away.

"Fine, get her this one," I heard him say but I didn't stop walking, instead I picked up my pace.


"Let's go back to the hotel Richard," Jayden ordered as soon as he came back.

Our driver, Richard, and I waited for him for like an hour or so.

After walking out the building I decided to wait inside the car. Luckily, Richard was humble enough to have waited in the car which I was thankful for or otherwise I would have waited for both of them outside.

I was pretty much hungry when I got in the car so I asked Richard if he could feed me instead and that I promised him I'd pay him back someday. He was so kind that he treated me to a vendor's sale. It wasn't that of an exquisite beauty but it was as sensational as of those dishes served at the mansion. I sure do owe something big to Richard.

But this bastard made us wait for an hour without even bringing us something somehow.

Nonetheless, Richard did as he was told. And not long after, we are in the hotel.

"Take a lot of rest, we will be starting our tour tomorrow and we'll fly to another country the next day," he informed.

"Okay," was all I could say.


It is our third week travelling and we've been to many many places that has astounded me. And in those three weeks, I have somehow bloomed into something I never would have thought I'd become. And that I have known Jayden a lot more than I have known him for the past five months I have stayed with him.

"Hey Jayden! Look at this!" I exclaimed as I pointed at the cute penguin.

"Can I touch it?" I asked our tour guide.

"We don't usually allow people to touch them. But seeing how enthusiastic you are to them then I guess maybe I could make an exemption."

I beamed him a smile as I thanked him a hundred more.

"Aren't they cute?" I asked Jayden who is standing beside me while I was crouched as I carried the penguin.

"This is so amazing! Look at how they walk! They are so adorable!!!" I shouted as I ran after them in this thick snow.

"Now don't scare them too much," our guide warned.

I stopped before it gets out of hand.




"Look how high we are!!!" I screamed as we took off in a big big big balloon with a basket hung on it. I do not know what it's called but it sure is an amazing ride.

"I might need to go see a doctor for my ears. You are practically shouting eversince our second week. Could you at least lower it down a bit," Jayden said.





"Oh sweet, look at that Jayden!" I excitedly called out to him as soon as I saw sharks and different kinds of fishes in this huge gigantic aquarium.

"Sharks are pretty cool," he agreed.

"But look at this puffer fish! It's bloated!!"




"Hey Jayden, Jayden! Look at that ostrich! It's eyes are so big!"

"I heard that they're the same size as of a tennis ball," he informed.

"Oh?! Is that so?"




"Those rides sure looks fun. But my big belly just isn't suited for those heights," I pouted.

"Indeed you can't ride a roller coaster, we can't take a risk."




"The sunset sure is beautiful," I smiled as I looked at the setting sun.

"Well this place is known as a spot for this scenery."




"So this is what they call falls. It is breath taking." I whispered.

"And this isn't the only one there is."





"Now go to sleep. We'll be flying back home tomorrow."

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