Chapter Five

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Steve had told her to pack lightly, which honestly confused Wanda. If it had been a few months ago, packing light would have just meant the clothes on her back. But, since she now lived at the compound and possed actual belongings, Wanda couldn't help but more thought into packing.

In the end, Wanda was able to decide two changes of clothes and the small ruby necklace Pietro had once given her. Sighing, her hands brushed against the chain as she thought of her fallen brother.

Tears threatened to spill from her eyes, but she pushed them back. Steve had asked for her help on a mission, and Wanda wasn't going to appear weak.

"You alright?" Wanda quickly spun around to see Pietro himself standing in the doorway. There were no bullet wounds in his chest, nor was his face grimy. He looked just as Wanda remembered.

But this couldn't be him. Wanda had felt her brother die inside of her, she had felt half her heart shatter.

Yet here he was, bright and healthy, and very much alive.

"P-pietro?" Wanda asked, her voice quavering.

Pietro stepped forward, "Wanda, what are you doing? What happened to the happy little girl I used to know?"

Wanda choked back a sob, "You-you left me."

Pietro shook his head, "I never left, Wanda. I'm always right with you."

But as she reached forward and tried wrapping him in her arms, Pietro seemed to slowly vanish away, until all she was holding was air.

Wanda- not caring anymore- let the tears fall.

Why must the world be so cruel? It was almost like someone was holding Pietro out for her to catch, but pulled him even further away once she got close.

Wanda's sobs only until to the point where she was struggling for air.

Out of nowhere, Wanda felt a pair of arms entangle around her torso and immedietly start rubbing her back. She looked up, and almost expected Pietro-even began reaching out to him mentally-  but knew better. Surprising herself, she saw Steve.

"Shh, Wanda," he said and pulled her closer.

When she finally managed to control her breathing, Steve gently asked, "Do you want to tell me what's wrong?"

Numbly, Wanda nodded, but just as she opened her mouth to speak, an unidentifiable trace of pain rose from her abdomen. It traveled up to the tips of her hairs and down to her toes, making her whole body feel like it had been dipped in fire.

Wanda didn't want to cry anymore- truly she didn't- but the pain was unbearable.

She wrapped her arms around her head and rocked back and forth, as if trying to block out the pain. Not being able to hold it in, Wanda let out a mangled scream as fresh tears rolled down the girl's cheeks.

Steve was terrified- he had never seen her like this. It was almost like she was having a panic attack of some sort.

He placed a hand on her shoulder- as if to calm Wanda down- but she acted like Steve wasn't even there.

And then, it all stopped. Wanda stopped screaming and slowly removed her hand. 

"Wanda...what was that?" Steve asked cautiously.

"I was in pain," Wanda spoke, not looking up. "I felt fire."

"But that's impossible," Steve said gently. "You were right here- I was with you."

Finally, Wanda looked up up, and Steve could easily count a dozen emotions on her face- pained, mournful, even anger- but most of all, she looked scared.

"It wasn't my own pain."

A/N was the fifth chapter?? I hope it suited your needs as a reader ;)

Don't be afraid to comment for anything- if it's just simple words of encouragement, constructive criticism, or a question~ I love reviews on what I write!


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