Chapter Fourteen

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~The GIF above is one of my favorite things ever~

Pietro awoke abruptly, but his mind was still a whirlpool of thoughts and memories. Then, he heard the explosion. 


Startled, he tried to run, before remembering he was still strapped to a chair. 


Wanda had mentioned she was coming for him, but was this it? Somehow, Pietro didn't think exploding the building bit by bit would help him any.

"What the hell was that?" He heard Strucker ask.

"We have a crew on our way to the corridor as we speak," the man began checking the computers. His face suddenly paled, "Baron?"

"What?" Strucker snapped, irritation practically dripping from his voice.

"An aircraft of some sort has just landed," the man paused as if he had lost his voice, before managing to continue. "It looks like the avengers."

Pietro felt joy bubbling in his stomach as Strucker muttered a few curses under his breath. He began to communicate with Wanda, but instantly stopped himself. He knew there was a reason Wanda hadn't already done so- and Strucker was no idiot. Pietro believed the doctor knew more than he let on.

The Baron turned to face Pietro, and without breaking eye contact with the twin, quietly ordered, "Take him through the back- use a helicopter from the hangar. Don't. Let. Anyone. See. Him."

One of the guards grabbed Pietro from the chair as Strucker whispered to another, "Now may be a perfect opportunity to test those new trainees."

Pietro found himself panicking as he was led out- something he absolutely never did. But there was no way he'd let himself be hidden away, he was so close to seeing Wanda again. He'd be damned if he let himself be separated from her again.

Taking a risk, Pietro called out to his sister, to which she responded immediately, "Pietro, oh! Where are you? Where's Strucker? We're here now!"

Ignoring her questions, he instead told her, "They're moving me. I'm being dragged towards the back and taken to another lab of some sort."

There was a pause, before Wanda responded, "You can't let that happen." Her voice didn't sound frantic like he had been expecting, but sad. "You're can't- we're so close."

He sighed and looked around. There was one person latching onto him, but Pietro knew he could easily overpower him. No other guards were seen down the long hallway, making escape pretty simple.

And possible.

His frown slowly transformed into a smirk.

Without giving it any more thought, he slammed his elbow into the man's chest making him double over. Punching him once in the face, Pietro felt confident he would no longer be a problem, and took off running.

And oh, it felt so good. He hadn't been able to properly stretch his limbs in days, no weeks. And it was one of the best feelings ever. 

He ran farther and farther, to really, who knows where. But Pietro only knew he had to get away. He was bound to find one of the avengers at some point, at least that's what he told himself.

After what felt like a few miles, Pietro stopped, and called out to his sister, "Um...where are you?"

"Not sure," Wanda replied. "You solved your problem right? Steve and I are currently looking for Struck-."

Interrupting, Pietro practically shrieked, "What? No, Wanda, stay away form him! Listen to me, alright? You can't find him."

"I'm sorry," he could practically hear the guilt in her voice. "But I have to. Please try connecting with us."

"No," Pietro could feel himself about to lose control over his emotions, before he heard footsteps approaching.

Great, just great.

But he wasn't going to run away- Wanda needed him, whether she admitted it or not.


Pietro fell to the ground as another person- a woman- crashed into him.

The woman cursed she rose to her feet, "What the hell..?" But her words were cut off as the two recognized each other.

"Maximoff," Natasha muttered. "Well I guess this makes part of the plan easier."


Ooohh....Maximoff twins are close I tell ya!!!

Please read and review, and because it's the weekend now, updates should be scrolling in (does that even make sense?) so yay!

Love you guys!


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