Chapter Sixteen

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Pietro wanted to embrace his sister right then and there, but managed to refrain himself. He instead ran foreward, knocking out each man before they even knew what hit them. 

Natasha- who had come along with Pietro- rushed over to Steve and began fighting off the men he was unable to reach. 

The Captain turned around, a look of surprise on his features. Pietro only flashed him a cocky grin. 

"You..." he turned around to see Strucker struggling to stand, disbelief in his eyes. He pointed at the older twin, "How did you....?" The doctor shook his head. "You know what, I'm tired of all this crap happening and having to start all-"

There was suddenly a red blur of light, and Strucker slammed to the wall, knocked unconcious. 

"Shut...up," Wanda spoke breathlessly from her spot on the floor. She slowly sunk further down, closing her eyes.

Pietro dashed to where she lay and tentatively mumbled, "Wanda." She continued to stay still. Steve and Natasha came running up. "Is she..?" Worry laced Steve's words as he asked.

Pietro lifted her up onto his lap and gently began stroking her hair. "It's what happens when she overpowers herself. Dammit Wanda."

"What do you normally do when this happens?" Steve asked and crouched to their level.

"Oh, um," Pietro looked away. "Really nothing we can do- just make sure she's safe is all."

"We need to get out of here," Natasha spoke up and held up a device. "Like he said, Strucker's been planning this for a while- we need to leave before this gets worse."

Steve nodded and spoke into his earpierce, "Stark, are we clear?"

There was silence, and he was about to repeat the question when Sam spoke, "Cap, we have incoming."

Sighing, Steve looked at Pietro who was gently holding Wanda and whispering words into her ear. 

"What do we got?" the Captain asked.

"Two jets coming in- uh...they have missile launchers," Sam sighed. "Doesn't look too good on our part."

Ignoring his last comment, Steve commanded, "Find Stark and Rhodes. We have Romanoff and the twins." He didn't bother to add that at the moment, they were only down to one Maximoff.

"Roger that...Rogers," despite their current predicament, Steve could feel the smirk in Sam's voice, and rolled his eyes. 

"Okay, we have an incoming," he turned to Pietro and Natasha. "Around two jets by the looks of it."

"We don't want a full-blown battle," Steve continued. "Hopefully we can fight off these ships before more arrive."

Natasha moved forward, a smirk gracing her lips, "We've fought aliend and an army of robots. This shouldn't be too difficult."

Steve shrugged, "Who knows?" He looked at Strucker in distaste. "I'll take him and keep him on the quinjet."

Pietro spoke up, "What about Wanda?"

"Stay with her in the jet," he ordered, and before Pietro could object, he added. "You're in no shape for this, belive me."

Pietro didn't want to agree, but he knew he had no other choice. He felt woozy, and was exhausted. It was obvious Steve noticed too.

Scooping up Wanda in his arms, Pietro watched as Steve roughly threw Strucker over his shoulder. 

"On your left, Captain," he said, before taking off running.


Here is the new update!!! I hope you enjoyed this!!!!!

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