Chapter Eighteen

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~Sorry this is so short~

Both twins looked over in disbelief as a figure walked in through the back hatch. 

"You're welcome," Clint said gruffly, but came into view with a smile on his face. 

"Clint!" Wanda smiled and walked into his awaiting arms.

He hugged her back before his eyes casted over Pietro. The archer's expresion appeared more surprised than startled. 

"So it's true then," Clint remarked as Wanda left to stand back at her brother's side. 

Pietro's shrugged, "Walking off death, just sort of my thing you could say."

Clint nodded, not breaking his gaze, "Thank you," he said finally.

Pietro shrugged again and shook his head. 

"Arrived at the facility this morning," Clint said and set his quiver down. "No one was there. Right before recieving a call from Cap saying he needed me."

He sighed, shaking his head, "Man, I'm out of shape."

Wanda closed her eyes, taking a deep breath of exasperation as Pietro moved from his spot, running laps around Clint. 

Pietro smirked, "I'm not."

She rolled her eyes as Clint only gave the twin a blank stare. Shaking his head, he walked over to the cockpit. "Captain wanted me to get the ship ready for take-off. Think you can help with that?"

In unision, the twins nodded. Just the thought of contributing to the team satisfied them.

"You ready," Pietro asked, glancing over at his sister.

In response, she nodded, "Yep."

_ _ _ _

The unexpected incoming did nothing to stop the team. Overall, the mission had been successful.

A few more dents were implanted on Cap's shield, and the shine from both Tony and Rhodey's armor was gone. Natasha had dirt caking her face, and Sam's wings weren't as strong as they had been. But really, what else had they expected?

Trying to at least appear helpful, Wanda went over and began cleaning up the gash on Natasha's temple. "You did good," the widow softly stated. Wanda opened her mouth to object, but Nat spoke first, "You may not think so, but really, you did. Without you, we wouldn't have known to even look for Pietro, and he sure of hell would have died."

Wanda sighed and looked over at her brother, who was deep in conversation with Steve. She tore her gaze away. "Thank you, Nat."

Natasha raised her eyebrows, "Don't thank me. It was Rogers who was practically on his hands and knees begging Stark to approve this mission."

The black widow was one to exaggerate, but Wanda's eyes still widened in shock. The quinjet then landed, arriving at the compound. Nat smirked and walked away, leaving the girl to her own thoughts.


You guys didn't think I'd leave Clint out, did you? Haha anyways, this is the second chapter in the same night and because I have no life whatsoever, I decided to post it.

There will be two more chapters after this, and an epilogue. I should be updating tomorrow, so be prepared ;)

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