Chapter Eight

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Quick note~ Italics symbolize Wanda and Pietro communicating through telepathy

Isn't the edit above the saddest thing ever??

"Wanda?" Pietro hesitantly asked, not wanting his mind to play tricks on him.

"Pietro, it's me it's your sister!" He heard her reply.

Pietro's heart leapt to his throat, and he found himself not being able to reply, even though there was so many things he wanted, no needed, to say. But his mind seemed to be frozen, almost as if time had stopped.

"Pietro? Can you here me?" Wanda's voice sounded frantic.

"Wanda, yes, yes I can!" He anwsered back, hoping- praying- it worked.

"Oh, Pietro," she exclaimed. "I've missed you so much! Training isn't the same without you. Oh, how have you been?"

Pietro let out a small chuckle at Wanda's rushed questions and enthusiastic tones, but he wouldn't have it any other way.  He could easily tell she was happy, and that's all he needed to feel happy too.

"Pietro?" She asked, much less excited than before.

"Yes, sister?"

"Why aren't you answering my questions?"

He smirked, "I just did."

Pietro could practically see the eye roll he just received from his sister, before Wanda said, "No, but seriously."

Letting out a dramatic sigh, he responded, "How can I answer such trivial questions when I'm too busy marveling at the sound of my baby sister's voice?"

"We're exactly the same age Pietro," Wanda annoyingly replied.

"No way, don't you remember, I'm tw-"

"Yeah, yeah, twelve minutes older. Blah, blah, blah," she said, and Pietro could sense the smile in her words.

There was a moment of silence, but Pietro felt Wanda as if she was right next to him.



"Where are you now?"

"Huh?" Pietro stupidly asked, but Wanda was patient.

"Ste-Captain America is with me, and he's willing to help us, but we need your location," Wanda explained.

"Oh um...right now it's a cell."

"Pietro, I'm serious," she scolded.

"Well, it seems like an experiment lab, and....uh...."

"And?" Wanda gently pressed.

"Strucker's not dead like we thought. He's here," he said cautiously, afraid of how she might take the news.

After a moment of silence thoughts, Wanda responded, "We know where you are-and we're coming. Don't. Let. Him. Move. You."


Well, here's the next chapter? Did I do the dialogue well?

Please tell me in a comment ;)


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