Chapter Thirteen

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Shuffling the base of the quinjet, Wanda kept her hands clasped together, her mind an endless pool of worry.

"Wanda, you're going to wear out holes in the floor," Natasha joked. 

Sighing, the twin stopped, "But I'm so nervous."


"I don't know," she said, shrugging her shoulders. "Plenty of reasons I guess."

Nat nodded, "We're all a little apprehensive, heck it's normal, expected even. Besides," the redhead continued. "Pietro will be fine, we're almost there."

Wanda only offered a small smile as a response. As selfish as it sounded, it wasn't Pietro she was nervous about. She knew he could take care of himself. 

It was the thought of seeing Baron Wolfgang Strucker again that sent jolts of fear throughout her body. The nightmare the previous night had only been a snippet of her time in the HYDRA base- so much more had happened.

Wanda thought her and Pietro were free from Strucker forever, but that was obviously a temporary feeling. A feeling that didn't last long.

She tried forcing her focus back to thoughts of her brother. She was so close to seeing him it managed to calm down her fearsome thoughts, even if it was only by a small amount.

"Cap, we're almost ready to land," Tony called from the cockpit.

Wanda stood taller, trying to get read of her worry. She had to be strong. For Pietro.

Putting his earpiece in, Steve spoke, "Remember the plan. Strucker's smart- he'll realize what's happening before out plan is even fully put into action. We march in, complete the mission, and get out."

He emphasized the last two words, making sure his words were clear in precise, although Wanda doubted any of them even thought otherwise.

The team nodded, and she closed her eyes, taking deep breaths.

She could do this.

Tony carefully maneuvered the vehicle, and Steve got into place. Putting the quinjet on auto-pilot, Tony pressed a button and his suit appeared- piece by piece covering his body.

The back hatch opened, and with a few encouraging words from both Tony and Rhodey, they "flew" out of the aircraft. Their job was to set off the signal- both for the team and Pietro, hopefully.

The moment the quinjet touched the ground, Sam flew out, wings outstretched. Vision lingered a few seconds longer and softly spoke, "Good luck, Miss. Wanda," before following Sam's lead. She smiled faintly.

This left only her, Steve, and Natasha.

Wanda knew the plan well. She had rehearsed it over and over again through her mind, and mentally ran through it so many times she lost count. She was ready.

"Alright, if we're on schedule," Steve counted at a clock watch. "It should be around 5....4....3....2....1...."

And less than a second later, a bomb in the west corridor went off. 

"Okay, Nat, remember the plan?" Steve questioned.

Natasha rolled her eyes "Yes, Rogers."

He held his hands out, "Fine, fine." Steve then looked at both of them, "Good luck. Remember, if they hurt you, hurt them back, and if you get killed-"

"Walk it off," they all finished in unison.

The trio exited the quinjet and Steve was able to effortlessly force the door open. Wanda thought about the alarms that were surely about to go off, but knew Strucker and his crew would be far too focused on the explosion going on in the other end of the building.

They wordlessly separated as Natasha crept to the right and Steve and Wanda went the other way. 

She could sense how close to she was to Strucker. Wanda felt the strong need to grasp something- her first thought the Captain's hand- but knew it would look stupid and be frowned upon.

Gulping, she continued to move forward, choosing to ignore the feeling of doom in the pit of her stomach. 


I am going to try very hard to update this story super frequently, mainly because it's technically already written and finished so it shouldn't be too hard. 

Did you guys like that Natasha/Wanda talk? I, in no way shape or form ship them (because let's be honest ScarletWidow makes absolutely no sense, at least to me), but I really wished it showed them interacting more. **2019 update: scarletwidow is adorable fight me**

~The edit above is hilarious, so please look at it!~


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