Chapter Fifteen

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~Another adorable GIF above <3~

Wanda hated herself for making her brother worry. She knew once they made it out and were okay he'd scold her, but she had her fair share for him as well.

"Did he happen to mention where exactly the lab is?" Steve asked from beside her. 

Wanda shook her head. The facility was huge, and she had no clue whatsoever as to how he managed to expand it so. But, she still had her some of her background knowledge. "I remember it being this way," she pointed. "But it could have changed."

Steve cocked his head to the side and shrugged, "Might as well look. Maybe pick up a clue."

Agreeing, Wanda nodded. 

The sudden sound of gunshots suddenly rang out through the lab. She stopped walking and turned to stare down the hallway- her mind reeling in thoughts.

"Wanda," Steve pressed gently. "We need to find Strucker."

"Right, right," she said quietly and began to walk along the captain, their strides matching. 

A couple more feet of searching, and Wanda carefully extended an arm, keeping Steve from going any farther. "I fee something," she whispered, a pit forming in her stomach.

He gave her a look of concern, but Wanda shook her head, saying, "We're close."

Steve understood and allowed her to continue leading the way. They turned down another hallway, and came face to face to a lare set of opened double doors. The pit sensation deepened, and Wanda gave Steve a nod. 

This was it.

Lifting his shield up, he silently crept towards the lab. Wanda positioned her arms in front of her, ready to omit a hex when needed.

A man stood in the center of a gymnasium-sized room, his back facing the two avengers. They didn't need to see his face to know who it was.

Wanda was surprised she was still managing to keep her arms steady. 

"It's a pleasure to see you again, witch," Strucker said, not turning around. 

"Wish I could say the same," she croaked, sounding much braver than she felt. 

"Just turn yourself in now," Steve spoke. "You're not going to escape us again."

But Strucker laughed. "I know about your petty team team." He turned around now, and faced Wanda. "It's a shame you missed your brother. He was just here. We really had a good time-"

Her body erupting in fury, Wanda shot out a hex, knocking the doctor over. 

Just as he began to stand up, Steve prepared to throw his shield, but it was suddenly ripped from his grasp by an invisable force. It came flying back, seeming to hit his arm roughly, but the captain didn't even flinch.

"This is my lab," Strucker announced. "I have actually been preparing this day for a while."

Wanda and Steve shared a glance. What was this guy playing at? Hearing something behind her, Wanda turned around and gasped in shock, "Steve..."

He then too turned his head and was surprised to see a whole crew of men staring at him and Wanda. 

This was it? This was Strucker's plan? Wanda had telekinesis along with her orbs and Steve was a super soldier- this was all too easy.

"I'm always prepared," Strucker said, an evil glint in his eyes. 

The crew began marching forewards, guns in their hands. Steve turned to Wanda, "Get Strucker; I can handle this."

She wanted to disagree. A dozen men with weapons were going to go up againt him. But he was Captain America, and as bad as she may feel about it, she knew he could handle it alone.

Turning back around, Wanda strided towards Strucker as gunshots rang out. The sound of bullets hitting vibranium filled the room.

"Little witch," he sounded as she approached. 

"Come with us," Wanda produced an orb through her fingers and balanced it. "Don't make it harder."

A low chuckle escaped Strucker, "I can control you more than you know."

He walked over to one of the computers and pressed a few buttons. Suddenly, there was a loud ringing in her ears. She winced, but managed to release her orb and aimed weakly at the Baron.

"Tsk, tsk," he smirked. "You know what, Wanda? It was your choice to help Ultron- which honestly, only made him stronger. You're the reason Pietro was shot."

She knew it wasn't true...right? Pietro was alive, they had turned againt Ultron. Together.

"You didn't even try saving your brother. You had no faith he was alive," Strucker continued.

"It's nor true," Wanda whispered to herself over and over. "He's lying."

In almost one swift motion the ringing in her ears began to intestify. 

"And now, America's hero- Captain America- will be dead. Because of you."

Wanda looked back and saw Steve take down two men, but another was already ganging up on him. She didn't know where his shield was. He was holding them off, but it was obvious the fight was getting nowhere. More men seemed to arrive each second.

Wanda felt something click inside of her, and suddenly she felt herself omit one of the biggest orbs she had ever managed to form. She had no idea where this random blast of power came from, but she didn't cast her focus there.

She tore the man choking Steve away and two others near him. Wanda felt powerful and loved every minute of it. 

And then a painful sensation in her head stopped her. Falling to the ground, she let out a mangled scream. 

Wanda could hear Steve calling her name, but could only comprehend Strucker making his way towards her, before he towering above. "Still as weak as ever."

But as he opened his mouth to continue speaking, a flash of blue could be seen, and the doctor stumbled foreward.

Wanda removed her hands, not believing her eyes.

"You did not see that coming?"


There are probably so many errors in here, but I am seriously like half asleep, so I'll come back and fix them.

Please review!


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