Chapter Nine

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So, because my dear reader, shailynnw had her heart crushed at the last edit, I put this funny one up to hopefully brighten hers- and everyone elses'- spirits.

"Strucker's lab?" Steve asked in diebelief. "And you're sure he's there?"

"Do you think I'm just making up voices in my head?" Wanda asked defensively.

Steve closed his eyes, "Of course I don't. But-"

"Our mission is scheduled there anyway," she interrupted. "I'll go find Pietro as you find Strucker-simple plan really."

"We shouldn't split up, you know that Wanda," He gently reminded her.

"Steve, please understand," Wanda's voice grew quieter. "He's my brother, he needs me."

Sighing, the soldier spoke, "I'll talk to Tony about this change of plans. We're going to need some new team members to pull this mission off."

Grinning brroadly, Wanda reached up and placed a kiss on Steve's cheek, "Thank you, so much.

_ _ _ _

That evening Wanda was sprawling down on her bed she she practiced her telekenisis- but her thoughts were elsewhere.

Steve had left recently after their conversation to speak with Tony about the change of plans, and still hadn't returned. Wanda wasn't sure to think if this was a good or bad sign.

Realizing practice was futile, she curled up at the end of her bed and- trusting Steve would alert her of the mission- allowed herself to drift off.


"No, stop it hurts!" she shrieked , but the pounding sensation in her head only seemed to increase.

It felt like a large hammer was slamming into her head on repeat, and there was nothing Wanda could do to control or stop it.

Tears streamed down her cheeks as the pain continued, until finally she was allowed to stop.

Collasping onto the floor in agony, Wanda tried closing her eyes, to hopefully block everything out, but was simply too awake to do so.

"You are done for the day," a man spoke. "Rest up. We will resume practice tomorrow."


Wanda awoke shivering , her body gasping for air.

The nightmare wasn't as vivid as they normally were, yet it seemed worse.

It was more of a memory.

Back when her and Pietro were still test subjects, days like her dream weren't uncommon. It was easier now- controlling her abilities- but overpowering herself was still a painful possibility.

Finally gaining control of her breathing, Wanda stole a peek at the clock.


Groaning, she fell back onto her pillow. It was barely morning, and it would be at least five hours before the rest of the team would even think about getting up.

Wanda knew she needed sleep. She was involved in a very important mission tomorrow and would need every ounce of energy she had. But Wanda simply couldn't sleep.

She didn't want to close her eyes and only be greeted with more flashbacks.

The door to her bedroom slowly opened, revealing dimmed light from the hallway.

"Steve?" Wanda asked quietly, but was greeted with another voice.

"No, it's me," she looked up to see Vision standing in the doorway. "Would it be acceptful if I stepped in?"

"Um, yes," Wanda answered, though unsure as to why he was wishing to speak with her so late, or should she say, early.

Vision entered, and Wanda could see him holding a cup of liquid in his hands, "I heard you thrashing. I know very little of nightmares, but thought this may help. Forgive me if I've done something wrong."

He held the cup out to her, and Wanda gratefully acceppted the drink. It smelled of herbs and honey, just like the tea her mother used to brew.

"You made this?" She asked, looking up.

Vision almost appeared sheepish, "Not exactly." He paused. "I've never actually made anything before, but I found this old recipe in the kitchen and thought I'd try it for you."

Wanda was stunned that someone had even thought to comfort her, let alone bring tea. Maybe she wasn't as much an outsider as she thought. Smiling, she softly spoke, "Thank you," before taking a sip.

It was bitter, and could definitely use a little more sweetness, but Wanda didn't give it any second thoughts, because depsite this, it also managed to warm her up instantly.

"This means a lot," Wanda said and set the now empty mug on her nightstand.

"Of course," Vision's lips curled up. "I can only hope it helped you, Miss. Wanda."


So I'm sorry about that small ScarletVision moment for those of you who don't ship them, but I'm having a hard time choosing between them and Scarlet America, so I hope you guys are fine.

How was it? It was much longer than the previous so that's good!!

Please review!


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