Chapter Nineteen

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The quinjet landed, and under Doctor Cho's orders, all team members were sent to the medical ward for any or all injuries.

Wanda's head ached, but what were the doctors supposed to do about that besides give her some Tylenol? 

Stepping into the training center, she expected some comfort. But all she recieved was lonliness.  She had trued staying in with Pietro, but was told to shoo out. Dr. Cho mentioned they were going to run tests on the twin, and make sure whatever he had been injected with wasn't long term fatal.

Wanda took a deep breath and walked towards the end of the room, where a large window overlooked the freshly mowed grass and spring of trees to the north. She drummed her fingers against the windowstill- almost impatiently- although what she was waiting for, Wanda had no idea. 

Her mind flitted from the mission that had just finished, to the thought of Strucker finally, finally gone forever. And then her brother.

It was still hard for her to grasp the fact that he hadn't died. They had only been seperated for two weeks, but to Wanda, it was an eternity. In a way, it was like reuniting with a long lost twin.

She smirked to herself, "Long lost twin." She'd have to use that to annoy Pietro with later. 

"Wanda," the female twin turned around to see Steve at the door. He slowly began making his way towards her. 

The captain didn't appear to have any noticeable injuries. In fact, he looked just as he normally did, despite his face covered in grime.

"Steve," Wanda spoke. "Do you know how Pietro is?"

"Actually um..." he almost looked embarassed, although Wanda had no clue as to why. "I came to see how you were."

Wanda shrugged, "Strucker's dead. Pietro's alive- and with me. I'd say I'm fine."

And she was.

Steve nodded, before sighing, "If it wasn't for you..."

The Maximoff shook her head, "Everything would have worked. I was unconsious most of the time."

He still disagreed, "Wanda, you were amazing."

She felt heat rising to her cheeks at the soldiers' words. She bit her lip. "Thank you, Steve. For rounding up the team, listening to me," her words caught in the back of her throat, but he understood.

The captain opened his arms and Wanda entered them without hesitation. "It was no problem at all," he quietly spoke.

She smiled againt his chest, and let out a deep breath she didn't know she had been holding. Closing her eyes, Wanda felt content. 


I know, a pretty bad ending, but please don't judge me too harshly. 

So I'm one of those rare people who find joy listening to different movie soundtracks, and oh my gosh does anyone listen to the Civil War score? Okay, but seriously, if you haven't, Cap's Promise is epic and beautiful and exhilerating and it just starts slow and build up and and just all in all perfect so listen to that if you ever get the chance ;)

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