Chapter 6

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Simon's POV:

I woke up this morning with a mad headache, it was those hangovers that were going to take you a while to sober up.  I woke up to an empty bed and to large glasses of water.  I got up slowly and checked the time, only realizing it was about 14:03 (2 PM) so I guess waking up this afternoon with a fucking headache.  I managed to get up but really slow and make my way to the bathroom, I brushed my teeth and rinsed my face with water.  I walked slowly downstairs and found only Courtney and Freya in the kitchen. 

"You're up early," Courtney said as she had such a nice smile from a wild night.  She  hugged me lightly as did Freya.

"Hey Court can you grab my keys in Josh's room?" Courtney nodded and went upstairs.

"Simon how you feelin? You look like shit," she said laughing.

"Thanks Frey always making me smile," as I gave her the thumbs up.

"You know what happened when we got home?" Freya asked.

"No I don't. I don't even remember the drive home to be honest." I shrugged.

"Okay, so basically you and Courtney were cuddling in your bed but I guess you fucking trackstarred your way to the bathroom and you threw up. Like three time in the middle of the night. And guess who was there all those times? Hm... Court-" She hesitated and Courtney and Taylah came down fiddling with keys.

"What about me?" Courtney came in the kitchen with an innocent look.  She didn't say anything else as she hugged me along with the other girls.

"Today we're going to meet up with Harry and Emily and look at some flats. Freya, Taylah and I are gonna move into a flat together, in the same complex as Harry and the-"

"Mandem!" Taylah completed her sentence, we all laughed because it really came out of no where.  Courtney took the car keys and basically left she shut the door.  I started to drink some water but the door opened again.  Courtney came back and kissed my lips and held my neck.

"Feel better babe," as she hugged me and jerked when I kissed her sweet spot on her neck.  "no no not again.. byee!" She waved and actually left.

Courtney's POV:

I went in the drivers seat as Freya took the passenger after playing ching-chang walla with Taylah.

"Fuck sake Frey!" as Taylah went in the back laughing.  I put in my aux and put on some BBK, and it was like we were at a concert.

"I can't wait for Wireless guys it's gonna be fun, the music and the boys with us too. Oh and-"  All of a sudden the car got quiet but it it filled with Skepta's Shutdown.  Man's never been in  Marquee when it's shutdown eh?

"TRUST ME DADDY!" we all said in unison, the beat dropped and Freya and Taylah went mad.  I couldn't because I was freaking driving in all.  We stopped at a red light as Freya took a snapchat of us jamming out.  When we arrived to the flat (complex), we went to Harry's and the Cals flat.  We knocking on the door and Emily answered the door.

"EM!!!!" We all had a group hug and then we heard Shannon and Ethan playing FIFA.

"Oi you filthy twat let score!"  Shannon yelled at the TV as we walked in laughing.  Harry walked in the living room and smiled.

"Hey ladies how are you?" We replied with good, great and shit.

"Where were you guys," I asked Harry and Emily.

"Oh we honestly watched Netflix and went to bed early.  Harry didn't feel good so he felt that drinking wouldn't make it any better," we all started to walk to the table (all the girls).  "Anyways what brings you guys here?"

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