Chapter 2

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Lauren leaned against her locker and sighed for the hundredth time. This was going to be a hard year and she knew it.
"Laur, if you keep sighing you're going to run out of air," said Normani, one of her best friends.
Lauren had tons of mutual friends, but her closest friends were Ally, Normani, and Dinah. They were like sisters.
"Yeah Lauren, what's up?" Questioned Ally.
"Nothing, I just don't want to go back to school," she responded with a blank look on her face.
"Cut the crap Jauregui, we know it's not just that," said Dinah. Normani shoved her, making Dinah fall on her butt.
"Normani you are so dead," Dinah said from the floor. Normani was to busy laughing. The bell rang, signaling them to get to home room.
"See you guys later," Lauren mumbled, walking to her home room. She didn't understand why she felt off, and it was making her annoyed. Her home room was at the end of the hall. When she reached it, the teacher wasn't in yet. Lauren slid into a seat next to the window and gazed outward, her mind buzzing. She was snapped out of her thoughts by a hand being placed on her shoulder. It was her boyfriend Zach. Blonde hair, deep blue eyes, muscular, and every girl's dream guy.
"Hey babe, I didn't see you at all this summer," he said, leaning down to kiss her.
"Ew," was all Lauren could think when his lips met hers.
"I was away a lot," she mumbled, not wanting to talk more.
"Tell me all about it," he said.
"I don't feel like talking about it, Zach."
"C'mon babe just tell-"
"I said I don't feel like talking," she said flatly.
"Fine," he grumbled and walked away to all of his friends. Lauren was in a bad mood now and just wanted to go home and get rid of the off feeling. She rested her head on her desk and sighed again.
She was finally starting to calm down when she felt a tap on her shoulder.
"Great," Lauren thought, "More people to annoy me."
She picked her head up anyway and was met face to face with a beautiful girl. She was small and had long brown hair. Her eyes were chocolate colored, yet they seemed to have a sparkle. She looked nervous.
"Is this seat taken?" She said in an almost whisper, gesturing to the seat next to Lauren.
"Uh, no, it's free," Lauren said. The girl nodded and sat down. There was silence between the two girls.
"I'm Camila," the small girl said out of the blue.
"Nice to meet you Camila, I'm Lauren," she said, turning to face Camila. Camila smiled.
"Hi Lauren," she said and giggled, sending an eruption of butterflies into her stomach.
"What the hell?" Lauren thought to herself. She couldn't possibly like this girl. She had a boyfriend, she was straight. She pushed the feeling away, telling herself it was just nerves.
"So Lauren, how long have you been going here?" Camila asked.
"Um, since seventh grade," Lauren replied, still in a daze.
"Really? Wow, that's a long time. It's my first day here. I just moved here," Camila said quietly.
"That's cool, what street?" Lauren said, silently hoping it was her street. A family had just moved in at the end of her street, and she hadn't had a chance to go introduce herself.
"Lakeview Drive," she said. Lauren couldn't believe what she was hearing. That was her street!
"This is going to sound crazy, but I live on that street too," Lauren said smiling. Camila laughed and smiled back. The butterflies erupted in Lauren's stomach again and she cursed herself.
"Alright class, pay attention now, chat time is over," boomed a voice from the front of the room. It was the teacher, Mr. Johnson. He explained to them how the year was going to go and what to do in a fire drill and all the things like that. Lauren zoned out, her mind swimming.
"Miss Jauregui, I understand that listening to me talk about fire drills is boring, but it's for your safety. Please pay attention," he said. Students laughed, making Lauren turn red from embarrassment.
Once he was done droning on, they were left with five minutes to talk again.
"Do you want to sit with me and my friends at lunch?" Lauren blurted out to Camila, surprising herself. Camila was taken back a little, but smiled.
"I'd love to," she said. The bell rang and Lauren stood up, haphazardly swinging her bag over her shoulder.
As she left the classroom and walked to her next class, Camila waved goodbye, and the stupid butterflies were back. She groaned and avoided the obvious answer as to why they were there. This was going to be a hard year.

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