Chapter 24

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Lauren spent the rest of her day in awe of where she was. It was slightly insane that her mom had brought her out to see Camila just a few days after she had left, but Lauren didn't mind.

Lauren had been with Camila for about an hour. They were laying on the couch in a comfortable silence.

"Hey Camz?"


"Where's Sofi?"

"Oh, she was asleep when you came. You wanna go wake her up?" Camila asked excitedly. Lauren nodded and followed Camila to Sofi's new bedroom. Camila walked into the room while Lauren waited outside. Sofi was awake and playing with her toys.

"Hey Sof, whatcha doing?" Camila asked tenderly.

"I'm playing with my dolls. This one is you," she said as she pointed to a brunette doll,"and this one is Lauren," she continued as she pointed to a black haired doll.

"Really?" Camila asked. Sofi nodded.

"Do you miss Lauren?"

"Yeah, but we get to see her when summer comes, right?" Sofi asked.

"Yup," Camila said and sent Lauren a look from inside the room. That was her cue. Lauren knocked on the door.

"Sofi, go get the door," Camila said eagerly. Sofi sprung up and opened the door to see Lauren standing there. She squealed in excitement.

"Lauren! Lauren! You're here!" Sofi yelled. Lauren scooped Sofi up into her arms and spun her around, making the child laugh.

"How you been?" Lauren asked.

"Good, but even better now that you're here! And it's Christmas Eve!" Sofi exclaimed. Lauren poked her cheek and Sofi giggled.

Camila watched her girlfriend from the floor and smiled fondly at the two. She fell more and more in love with Lauren everyday. Lauren sat down on the floor next to Camila with Sofi in her lap.

"Your cast is gone," Sofi pointed out and pointed to Lauren's leg.

"Yeah it is," Lauren replied. Sofi returned to her toys and Lauren and Camila left. Camila was smiling widely.

"Why are you smiling so much?" Lauren asked.

"You're just so freaking cute when you're with Sofi. She loves you and you with kids is like my weakness," Camila explained. That in turn caused Lauren to smile. The girls returned to their spots on the couch. Lauren closed her eyes and took in the moment, knowing in a week she would be back home and back to being miserable.

Lauren inhaled deeply, Camila's perfume filling her nostrils. She buried her face in the crook of Camila's neck and inhaled again.

"Why are you smelling me?" Camila teased. Lauren giggled.

"You smell good," Lauren said into Camila's neck, sending shivers down the brunette's spine.

"Oh yeah?" Camila asked.

"Mhm." Their relationship was interesting. They had their arguments and disagreements here and there, but they never went to bed angry at each other. And at the end of the day, they were always there for each other and they loved each other.

"Babe?" Lauren said.


"I love you." Camila smiled and turned to face Lauren so she could kiss her.

Lauren's mom walked in and laughed to herself.

"Alright love birds, dinner is ready," she said. Lauren blushed and sat up, grabbing Camila's sweatshirt and pulling it over her head.

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