Chapter 15

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Eventually, the two girls reached the café. Their waiter sat them at a table by the window.

"Do I know you from somewhere?" Camila joked once they sat down and had ordered their drinks. Lauren laughed, even though it wasn't that funny. She loved Camila's jokes.

"I think I might. But I'm not positive," Lauren replied, playing along. They continued their playful banner throughout the dinner. Lauren had finally relaxed enough to have a normal human conversation. Their food was good, as always. Unfortunately the dinner ended fast and they were back walking.

"Do we really have to go home?" Lauren whined as they were started back.

"Well if you want to talk logically, yes. But technically we don't have to go back," Camila replied with a wink. The butterflies were back. So, instead of going home they took the long way back to Lauren's house.

They walked in comfortable silence, hand in hand. The long way back took about 25 minutes, compared to the 15 minutes the shorter way took. While they were walking, Lauren felt Camila start to slow down.

"Tired?" Lauren asked. Camila merely nodded with a small sleepy smile. So Lauren had an idea.

"I'll carry you back, get on," she said, bending down so Camila could get on her back. Camila seemed a bit hesitant, but got on anyway.

It was a sight to see. Two teenage girls doing piggy back rides down the road at 9:00 at night. Lauren was having the time of her life. Sure her feet hurt from wearing boots for that long and she felt like her legs were about to give out on her, but she was with Camila so it was instantly better.

Eventually, Lauren arrived at Camila's house. She made the executive decision to just walk down the street instead of making the brunette do it.

"We have arrived your majesty," Lauren said in a British accent while Camila jumped off. The two stood under Camila's porch light, just inches away from each other.

"I had a really nice time tonight," Camila said, her voice just above a whisper. Lauren felt her nerves rising again.

"I did too," replied the taller girl. Lauren felt Camila start to lean in, so she followed suit. In the midst of kissing, Lauren decided that kissing Camila was one of her new favorite things.

They pulled away and smiled at each other. Before leaving, Camila pulled Lauren into a hug. It felt right.

"I had a great time tonight," Camila whispered, giving Lauren chills.

"I did too," Lauren replied before reluctantly letting go and starting the walk back to her house. She was in a pure state of bliss and wonder. She had never felt such attraction to a person before.

Lauren walked into her house with a huge smile on her face.

"How did it go?" A voice said from the couch and Lauren jumped. She looked to see Normani casually sitting there.

"Jesus Christ Normani you scared the shit out of me," Lauren breathed. She sat down on the couch next to Normani and kicked off her awful boots.

"So?" Normani asked again.

"It was...amazing to say the least. She took me to our favorite restaurant and we laughed and when she got tired I carried her back and then we kissed and hugged and it was incredible," gushed Lauren. She was still in shock that she had just gone out on a date with Camila.

"Well it sounds like you had a great time. I'd love to talk more but I have to go home before my mom kicks me out," Normani explained. She got up and grabbed her coat, but before she left, she gave Lauren a huge hug.

"I'm so proud of you for doing this," Normani said. Lauren just smiled and politely let Normani out.

Her siblings had tons of questions as to where she had been, but she pushed them away and went to her room.

Lauren felt her phone buzz in her back pocket. She pulled it out and saw that she got one text.

camila💕: thanks for tonight❤️

Lauren smiled and instantly sent a reply back to Camila, who was equally happy to receive a text from the green eyed girl down the street.

lolo💞: anytime, i had a shit ton of fun

Camila replied back almost instantly. They continued texting until 2 am, when Lauren decided that she should probably get some sleep before school.

Lauren unhappily arrived at school the next morning with three hours of sleep not doing anything for her. She took another sip of her coffee, trying to wake herself up.

By the time she forced herself to get out of the car, Chris and Taylor were already in the school. She started walking, but almost tripped over her own feet when she saw Camila walking in too. Lauren casually walked up next to her.

"Fancy seeing you here," she joked, making Camila jump a bit.

"Jesus, Lauren. Hey," Camila said with a laugh. Lauren noticed she looked about as tired as herself. But she made the messy bun look adorable.

"Didn't get much sleep, huh?" Lauren asked.

"Yeah, a certain pain in the ass kept me awake with her texting until the early hours of the morning," she replied, trying to be angry, but the smile on her face ruined it. Lauren pretended to be offended as they walked into the school and met their friends.

Lauren said hi to everyone and pretended to listen to Ally's story about her traumatizing experience in a parking lot, but really, she just wanted to sleep. She felt herself drifting off, so she laid her her on Camila's shoulder in attempts to try and not fall over.

Camila felt the urge to wrap her arms around Lauren, so she did. It was something friends did, right? She didn't want to arouse any suspicions in her friends.

No one said anything about it and Ally kept talking. Lauren could have stayed there all day, if it wasn't for the bell. Lauren thought about Camila while she was walking. She wished that they could get it over with and tell their friends so that they could be affectionate at school. But it wasn't going to be easy.

a/n: look another chapter👀 i actually felt like writing so i wrote another chapter. enjoy my loves💕

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