Chapter 17

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When Lauren reluctantly went home after spending the day with Camila, she thought for a bit while she was online shopping. Camila had said I love you. Lauren did too. But did that mean Camila was in love with her? Lauren's mind was swamped with questions. So when their home phone rang, Lauren sprinted down the stairs to answer it.

It was her parents who called. They were apparently going to be out all day Christmas shopping. Lauren didn't mind. Chris and Taylor were with their friends. So Lauren had the whole house to herself. She initially thought about calling Camila over, but pushed it out of her mind. She didn't want to sound desperate.

Lauren could find only one thing to do. Her homework. She didn't want to do that, but couldn't find anything else to do. Scrolling through Instagram was getting extremely boring. With hopes of her homework taking a while, she started. Her hopes faded however, when she completed all of it in an hour.

"Fuck it," she said to herself and dialed Camila's number into her phone.

"Hello?" Camila said into the phone. Lauren smiled when she heard Camila's voice.

"Hey. I'm bored," Lauren replied back.

"Oh, so you called the most boring person on the face of this earth. I see," the brunette said.

"Come over please. I might die of boredom if you don't," Lauren pleaded.

"I don't know."

"My parents aren't home," Lauren said. She quickly realized what she had said.


"That's...not what I meant. I mean...I was just saying..," Lauren stuttered, trying to cover up her mistake. She could hear Camila laughing through the phone.

"I know. I was just joking with you babe. I'll be over soon," said Camila, and she hung up. Lauren was slightly surprised. Camila had never called her babe before. But she liked it. A lot.

Camila arrived shortly after the phone call. She looked stunning in leggings and a tight fitting shirt. It was warm for  December, but still pretty cool. Lauren subtly tried to look her over. Camila caught her and smirked.

"My eyes are up here Lo," she teased and lifted Lauren's chin up to her eyes.

"Hi," Lauren said softly. Camila giggled and looked down at Lauren's lip. She then tucked her bottom lip behind her teeth. Lauren thought she would die from that.

So, the green eyed girl licked her lips and closed the distance between them with a kiss. Lauren would never get tired of the feeling. She pulled away when oxygen was an issue, but left her arms around Camila's neck.

"You gonna invite me in or just leave me standing here?" Camila joked. Lauren smiled and lead her inside.

They did nothing all day, again. Mostly just ate food and watched movies. And made out a few times. Ok, more than a few.

Lauren decided that she would treat Camila by taking her out to lunch. Camila happily went along with her. They switched it up a bit and went to a different restaurant, a little bit farther from their usual place.

They were enjoying their food and talking about random things, when Lauren spotted someone out of the corner of her eye. It was Zach. Her body stiffened and she tried to not be noticed by him. Camila watched her girlfriend's body get tense and was worried.

"Lauren, what's wrong?" She asked.

"I see him." Camila had heard Lauren talk about Zach enough to know who she was mentioning. Zach had a girl with him, probably his newest victim. Camila watched Zach and said girl get up from their table. The two girls silently prayed that he would just walk past. But he didn't. He spotted Lauren instantly.

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