Chapter 18

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Camila wanted to stay with Lauren, but her parents made her go to school because it was more important. They still didn't know that Lauren and her were a couple. But everyday after school Camila went straight to the hospital to visit her girlfriend.

On Wednesday morning, Lauren was released from the hospital on crutches, and strict rules on what she could and couldn't do. She was on bed rest for the rest of the week. Camila went to Lauren's house after school on Wednesday.

Lauren was on her couch "reading" when she heard a knock on her door.

"Who is it?" She called.

"Your favorite person in the entire world," a voice chirped back. Lauren instantly recognized her and told her the door was open. Camila walked in and Lauren's jaw dropped. She never failed to amaze Lauren.

Camila was wearing a zip up hoodie and some very skinny jeans, with white converse on her feet. Lauren wished that she could get up so badly to feel her girlfriend's touch. Camila felt Lauren's gaze travel up and down her body and blushed.

"How're you feeling?" Camila asked, taking a seat on the edge of the couch near Lauren's head. She began to play with the green eyes girl's hair.

"Pretty shitty. I can only watch T.V or look at any electronic for like half an hour. Doctor's orders. Plus it has to be hella dark in here. But I'm happy to be alive. I'm also happy to have the best girlfriend ever to keep me company," Lauren said. Camila smiled happily down at the girl.

Lauren laid her head in Camila's lap, and Camila continued to play with Lauren's hair.

"You know what's crazy?" Lauren said.


"When I first met you, Zach had just pissed me off, so when you tapped on my shoulder, I was kinda annoyed. But then I looked at you, and you looked so...fragile, like a puppy or something. And you just took my breath away. Like, you have me the most incredible feeling. And I still have that feeling now," confessed Lauren. Camila thought back to her first day.

"The reason that I picked the seat next to you out of all the seats in the entire class was because as soon as I walked into the room, my eyes went to you. Your head was down, but I just felt something. And by the way, I almost threw up by doing it, plus you looked so damn fine that I'm surprised I didn't forget how to speak the human language." Lauren laughed softly. They had come so far in just four months.

Lauren was finding it slightly strange that Camila was telling her all these sappy things. But it was normal, right? Camila, unfortunately, was keeping something from Lauren.
*earlier that day*
Camila walked in the door of her house after school and threw her bag on to the table. She has noticed her parent's cars in the driveway and wasn't surprised to see them sitting at the table.

"Hi," she said casually and went to walk back out the door to go se Lauren, but her mom stopped her.

"Mija, sit down. We have to tell you something," her mother said to her. Camila was confused and sat down at the table across from her parents.

"Your father's company has offered him a job in a different state for a few months. They need him specifically for it. So, for six months, you and your sister will have to go with us. You'll only be at the school until the end of the year, then you can come back here. We're leaving the week before Christmas," explained her mom. It took a few seconds before the words registered into Camila's mind.

", you can't. I can't leave, I have to stay here. We've only been here for four months, we can't leave again!" Camila exclaimed. She was crying now. Her father tried to reach out and grab her hand, but she yanked it back.

"You can FaceTime all your friends. It's only a few months," he protested. Camila shook her head. They didn't understand. They didn't know that Camila was in a relationship with the girl down the street.

"You don't get it. There's a reason why I can't leave," Camila said through gritted teeth.

"I know it's hard to move schools but you can make new friends and-," her mom started, but Camila interrupted her.

"No, you don't get it! You don't know what it's like to make friends and feel like you're fitting in, and then have to leave and start all over again! It's hell. It's torture. Not here though. Here, I have friends that I actually enjoy. These are my people. And there's one special person in my life, by the way. The girl down the street, Lauren. We've been dating for really the past four months and I've kept it a secret. Congrats! Your oldest daughter is a lesbian! I hope you enjoy destroying my relationship. Have a nice fucking day." Camila quickly stood up and stormed out of the front door, slamming it violently on her way out.

She took a nice slow walk to Lauren's, calming herself down on the way so Lauren wouldn't suspect anything.
"Camila? Earth to Camila? Hello?" Lauren said, snapping her fingers in front of Camila's face. Camila had just remembered what had happened earlier, and took a deep breath.

"There's something I have to tell you," she said quietly.

"What is it?" Lauren asked gently. She sensed the change in Camila's mood.

"I-I'm moving again. My dad got a job offer in another state and for six months my sister and I have to go withy parents. I'll be gone until June. There's nothing I can do," Camila cried. Tears fell from her face into Lauren's hair.

Lauren couldn't believe what she was hearing. The love of her life, her girlfriend, her best friend, and the only thing that made her look forward to every day was leaving.

"When do you leave?"

"A week before Christmas." It was silent. Lauren had sat up by now. Lauren didn't really cry all that often, before Camila came. Even after, when their relationship was good, it took a lot to make Lauren cry. So it was scary to Camila to see Lauren suddenly start sobbing.

Camila hugged her girlfriend too and cried with her. They cried for a while, just letting out their emotions and enjoying each other. Eventually, they calmed down and just stayed in each other's arms.

"This is fucking awful," Lauren suddenly said. Camila just nodded. It was. It really was fucking awful. She wanted to scream and cry and throw a tantrum like a toddler. Her parents didn't understand what it was like. Camila couldn't leave Lauren. She wouldn't survive.

"I can't live without you. I'll never make it in another new school. I'll never make another friend like Dinah, or Normani, or Ally. I won't survive," Camila whispered. Her body was shaking. She needed Lauren to breathe. She didn't know how to function otherwise.

"What will I do without you? What will we do without each other?" Lauren said.

"I wish I had an answer. I wish my parents would understand. I wish I could just kiss you and make everything better. I was just holding you would make every problem go away. I wish I had the magic touch to fix this. But I don't. And it hurts," the brunette said.

Lauren used all her strength to place a gentle kiss on Camila's lips. Camila could physically feel her girlfriend's pain and sadness through the kiss. Lauren pulled away and let her hands rest on Camila's cheeks, running her thumb across the skin.

"I'll never get tired of this," Lauren said sadly. It didn't seem real that everything was going so right, then suddenly everything went wrong. Both girls wished that they could just curl up into a ball and sleep away their problems.

a/n: i couldn't possibly end the story here...
so, girl crush is officially continuing! you all better show your happiness and vote these chapters😂 jk. i'm so grateful to have 37k reads❤️

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