Chapter 13

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It was now Monday morning, and the five girls were back at their lockers. Lauren had gotten a good eight hours of sleep and didn't need four layers of concealer to cover up any eye bags.
She did her makeup while keeping Camila in mind. She wasn't sure on what they were at that moment.
When she joined her friends, they just stared at her.
"Ok, I'm going to say this in the nicest way possible, but Lauren, you look really good. Like, you look like you actually slept for once," Ally said. Lauren laughed.
"Who are you and what have you done with Lauren?" Normani asked while staring at Lauren.
"Wow," Dinah mumbled. Lauren giggled at her friends. But one pair of eyes caught her attention the most. The brown eyes belonging to the petite brunette girl. They looked at her with so much care and affection.
"How many hours of sleep did you get last night?" Lauren proudly held up eight fingers and Camila smiled widely.
"Lauren Michelle Jauregui, that is enough sleep." Lauren laughed softly and continued to look into Camila's eyes. Camila bit her lip as her gaze went from Lauren's eyes to her lips. The taller girl needed to kiss her. Now.
"I'mgoingtomycarandCamilaiscomingwithmeokbye," Lauren blurted out hastily and dragged Camila behind her. They were practically sprinting into the parking lot.
"Why did you drag me out here?" Camila asked once they arrived at Lauren's car. Lauren made sure they were out of sight.
"To do this," she whispered and pulled Camila in for a kiss. Lauren eagerly kissed the other girl, craving her. Camila's kisses made Lauren feel drunk. Camila was a little stunned at first, but kissed back once she realized what was going on.
Lauren lost all sense of time. It could of been seconds, days, hours, or minutes. She pulled away reluctantly because oxygen was becoming an issue.
"Wow," said the taller girl. They were both taken back a bit by the sudden kiss.
"Will you go out with me?" Camila asked out of the blue.
'Huh?" Lauren asked.
"Like a date. Get food or something tonight, you know. If you don't want to it's fine. I just thought-," rambled Camila until she was caught off guard by Lauren placing a soft kiss on her lips.
"'I'd love to, Camz," she whispered and leaned her forehead onto Camila's. Lauren saw Camila relax herself.
"We should probably get back now," Lauren said reluctantly.
"Don't look so down Laur, we have a date tonight," said Camila and winked, making Lauren's heart flutter.
"Don't do that," Lauren giggled. Camila looked at her with the most baffled expression.
"Stop being so adorable, it's killing me," Lauren explained. Camila laughed once she realized what Lauren had meant. They had now reached the school doors.
Lauren was about to reach for the door when Camila spun her back around. She stood up on her tip toes and planted a kiss onto Lauren's lips. It was short, but sweet.
Camila pulled away and walked into the building, leaving Lauren pleasantly surprised.
When she made it back to her group of friends, Camila was already there. She had a broad smile on her face that made Lauren smile too.
"You two are acting like freaks," Dinah said as she observed the two smiling girls.
"You're way too happy for a Monday morning," Normani agreed. Lauren was saved from answering when the bell rang. Camila and her practically sprinted to their homeroom.
They took their usual spots, Lauren next to the window, Camila on her inside.
"That was kind of close," Camila breathed.
"I almost told them why I was smiling so much. You looked so happy, so I looked happy," laughed Lauren.  Camila smiled and bit her lip. God did Lauren want to kiss her.
"Can I please kiss you now?" Camila groaned. Lauren laughed softly.
    "Afraid not, it's against school rules," Lauren said, which was one half of the story. The other half of it was that Lauren was no where near ready to come out to anyone else. Normani and Camila were the only ones who knew.
    Camila nodded understandingly. The classroom was silent, until Lauren heard one of her favorite sounds. Camila was laughing.
    "What are you laughing at?" Lauren asked playfully.
    "It's kind of stupid how we've made out like a hundred times, yet we have never gone on a real date," she explained while laughing. Lauren laughed too. It was pretty ironic.
    "You're really something, you know that?" Lauren said it of the blue. Camila smiled widely. She then got up out of her chair and gave Lauren a huge hug.
    Lauren sighed contently. Camila's embrace was one of the best things she had ever experienced in her life. Camila was also one of the best things in her life. She was still shocked that Camila liked her back. Lauren thought of herself as boring, non attractive, and anti social.
    But in Camila's eyes, she was Queen Jauregui. Lauren was 110% perfect. She was the most interesting person to ever walk the face of the Earth. Lauren was insanely beautiful, so hot it should be illegal. And Camila was jealous of how easily Lauren seemed to make friends. If it wasn't for that ability, Lauren and Camila wouldn't be friends, or maybe, more than friends.
a/n: i'm sorry i'm sorry i'm sorry i'm sorry school and sports has me so busy that i can't even think so this chapter hasn't been touched until just now and i know it's short but i wanted to give you guys something❤️ tysm for 13k reads💕

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