:::CHAPTER 11:::

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:::Roc's pov:::

I got done walking around downtown and made my way back to the house as I seen police cars everywhere and everybody in handcuffs. I saw some investigators holding some drugs. I hid behind the bushes so I wouldn't be seen.

I saw Josh screaming and yelling in the handcuffs. I could tell the cops were tired of him as he whipped out their tazer and tazed him. He shook rapidly and then fell as they threw him in their with everybody else.

They drove off leaving dust behind as it whacked me in the face. I stood in shock, then decided to leave the city, I have no where else to go but walk.

I made my way to downtown again bumping into somebody.

"Damn nigga!!! Watch where you goin'!!"

I realized that voice out of nowhere.


He looked up at me in shock.

"Ehh nigga whats happenin?" He dapped me as if we didn't have a horrible past together.

"What are you doing in Compton?" I questioned.

"Boss got tired of Ray, Prod, and I so we got kicked off the gang-"

"Where the hell is Lexi?" I asked cutting him off.

He paused for a second, looking like he was in a daze. 

"Where is she?" I asked in a more angry tone with fiery in my eyes.

He glanced at me realizing how much he was agrivating me.

"She got sold."

"What???" I shouted as my voice grew intensely.

"LOOK NIGGA!! My boss sold her, then she was forced to be a prostitute!!" He shouted at me getting some people's attention. "You took her from Ray!!!" He yelled as veins popped out of his neck. "He's pissed off at you for that!!"

"Look Prince I didn't mean to steal her from Ray." I said catching his attention again. "I think we need to start fresh. Not hate each other forever. I mean, its gonna get us nowhere."

He looked at me in disbelief. I was just trying to be nice for once and be the bigger person. He half smiled at me and sighed as a long silence came between us.

"Yea Roc, I really do think we need to start over."

It was an awkward silence again between us until he broke it.

"Why you out walking around?"

"I took a night stroll then come back to my crackhouse seeing everyone getting arrested so Im kinda homeless."

He looked at me in an embarressed look. "Look man I'm sorry for us putting you through shit.You wanna come stay with me and the boys?"

"Hell yea. If they'll except me."

"Im pretty sure they will."

For half an hour we talked and chatted as he gave me an update about everything that was going on as we walked to an apartment. We arrived and walked in.

I saw Prod watching Martin on couch cracking up and Ray in the kitchen popping some popcorn. Prince had shut the door putting the attention on us. Ray rolled his eyes and turned to continue popping popcorn as Prod kept a blank expression. I sat down next to him as Prince came in.

"You guys, I think we need to start of fresh with Roc."

"You mean faggot boy?" Ray giggled.

Prince grimmed as he stopped smiling.

"Im for real yall."

"You know what Prince, you right." Prod implied getting up. "Roc, I'm sorry how I treated you in the past. Please forgive me so we can be friends?" He held out his hand at me. I looked him in the eyes for sure. I dapped him as he sat back down.

"Ray?" Prince questioned as he just stared at us.

"Yea, we cool nigga, I guess." As he cut us off. Prod shook his head and continued watching Martin as Prince went upstairs.

Well the good thing is we all somewhat made up. But I really want to connect with Ray. Just talk to him.

:::Lexi's pov:::

I started driving to mom's house as I seen it all boarded up and burned down. My mouth dropped as I started tearing up. All I wanna know if she's alive or not.

I then started freaking out

Lord what did I do for this to happen to me. I hopped out the car struggling to stand up with my wobbly legs. I fell to my knee's and cried.

What do I do now?

"I saw everything." I heard a man voice behind me say.

I turned around in fear and surprisement

"What happened??" I hesitated to say.

He began telling me everything that happened as I bawled into my hands. I couldn't believe what I was processing through my head.

"What do you mean she's dead?!"

"Some boys came by and killed her. Your stepfather is in critical condition." He stated.

"What did those, boys look like?"

"They all had black masks on. But one did have 2 long braids, another had a afro, and I don't know about the others. But those two had stayed in car. I don't know where they're at now. The one with the 2 long braids, the afro, and the last one set the house on fire from multiple cigarette butts. Then they drove off leaving the others, killing them also, including your mom. I called the police and everything and told them what happened."

I cried even harder. Hearing that your mom is dead, kills me inside.

I member the last words that she said to me before I had went to school.


"I love you baby, don't forget that!!" She said to me.

"I love you too mom." I said bluntly cutting her off, grabbing my purse getting ready to leave.

"Baby?" She said softly.

"Yes mom?" I replied back with a attitude.

She sighed and bowed her head.

"Nevermind baby just have a blessed day at school."

I rolled my eyes and walked out the door to my school bus.

-End of Flashback-

How could I be so stupid!! Just taking her for granite and now she's gone!! I cried my eyes out on the man's shoulder. He rubbed my back. I could only think about getting revenge on Ray, Prince and Prod. It's about to go down.

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