:::Chapter 16:::

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:::Lexi's pov:::

"You do know that when you have this child, your going have to give it up."

A country nurse reminded me for the umpteenth time.

"No shit Sherlock." I replied with an attitude.

She gave me a irritated stare ,opening up her mouth like she wanted to say something, but she shook it off and walked away. I laid my head on the old dirty pillow they gave me, trying to get comfortable with my new surroundings.

I've only been here for a few weeks and I already started hating people. There was this girl named Bahja who looked like she was around my age that envied me.

"That bitch thinks she special because she's pregnant and her boyfriend gets to come in and see her." I overheard her say.

I ignored her comment and continued to do me. She brushed past us without saying excuse me or anything. In my opinion, I think she is just jealous, but I wasn't going to waste my time confronting her.

I could tell she didn't like me at all, but I could care less. She would always mean mug me, say stuff, put unneeded comments in, the whole nine yards. But it didn't affect me not one bit.

I kicked around a soda can in my 4x6ft room, to cure some of my boredom. I still can't get over the fact that I saw Chresanto again. My mood has been all lovey dovey since then. I love him so much. He has grown more of his masculine figure and his voice has gotten so much deeper than the last time I saw him.

Wait till I get out of jail...

:::Ray's pov:::

"Why you trying to get to them?" My cousin D'Z asked.

"I have some business to handle don't worry about it."


"I said don't fucking worry about it!!" I exclaimed getting agrivated.

I paced my way out the door, hopping in my car. Damn how some niggas is annoying.

:::Zonnique's pov:::

I parked across the street wondering why and what he was doing. He walked to his car looking kinda irritated. He just sat there...

Now is my move.

I ran across the street to his car. I banged on his window as he screamed.

"Bitch!!" He exclaimed. "What is doing here??"

"Watch that 'b' word." I snapped.

"Aw Ray you go back out with Zonnique?" I heard someone say behind me.

"Naw man, she's one of my hoes." Ray said with a determined smile.

My mouth dropped open. He couldn't be serious?

The past is the past, people could change...

I slapped Ray as he cussed, holding his face.

Ray got out the car and punched me down onto the ground as I guess "his friend" had tried to stop him.

I screamed in agony

But him punching me like this, just didn't seem like him.

His friend threw him off me and started yelling at him. I couldn't really decipher what he was really saying.

Then I blacked out

The last thing I saw was Ray driving off.

:::Roc's pov:::

I started getting more updated about Lexi by seeing her at jail more. She had looked so depressed in there. I hated seeing her like that. She has a child on the way. She didn't deserve this kind of treatment.

I tapped my pencil on desk, wondering what I should do to help her.

"Hey, you gotta call." Zavion said interrupting my train of thought.

I nodded and picked up the phone.


"Roc..." I heard Lexi cry into the phone.

"What's wrong baby?" I stood up in my seat waiting for an answer.

"I got jumped... and I lost my baby..." She cried even more into the phone.

My mouth dropped open

I felt her pain...

She cried even more into the phone

"Who jumped you??" I finally ask.

"Times up, Ms. Evans." I heard someone say in the background.

"Wait Lexi tell me who-"

The call ended

The news I just heard infuriated me till the point where I wanted to kill someone. I felt my leg tremble and my head starting to sweat.

I lunged up and stomped downstairs.

Seeing someone I didn't want to see ever again.


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