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Georgetown,Washington D

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Washington D.C.

"So, explain me again why do we have to get this motherfucker out again" Eleanor says narrowing her eyes at the group of men. Logan looks at her when she insults the man.

"Erik is the only one who can change Raven's mind" Charles says rubbing his eye.

"The room they're holding him in was built during the Second World War, when there was a shortage of steel. So the foundation is pure concrete and sand. No metal" Hank explains pointing at the map "He's being held... a hundred floors beneath the most heavily guarded building on the planet"

"Sounds fun" Eleanor comments analyzing the plan. Charles looks at her concentrated face, but he looks away to find that Hank caught him looking.

"Why is he in there?" Logan asks confused. Charles turns to look at him, laughing cynically again.

"What, he forgot to mention?" He asks raising an eyebrow.

"Uh, JFK"

"He killed-" Logan starts saying.

"What else explains a bullet miraculously curving through the air?" Charles asks with an amused look.

"My brother always had a way with guns" She comments looking at Charles, hating Erik right now.

"Hold up" Logan says. Every one turns to look at him "Brother?"

"'Brother', if you prefer it like that" She responds with a sigh, making quotations marks.

"Are you sure you want to carry on with this?" Charles asks. Although the future is already changed, he needs to keep with the plan. The only thing he may have changed is the fact of him not killing Eleanor.

"This is your plan, not mine" He comments scoffing.

"We don't have any resources to get us in" Hank comments frowning at the map "Or out"

"I know a guy" Logan says with tiny smile "Yeah, he'd be a young man now. Grew up outside of D.C. He could get into anywhere. I just don't know how the hell we're gonna find him" Eleanor nods but first lets the others speak.

"Is Cerebro out of the question?" Hank asks looking at Charles.

"Looking at the fact that you are in my house and I don't have a prepared basement like you, it is out of the question"

"If only you guys had Internet..." Logan comments with a smile.

"What's "Internet?" Eleanor asks frowning "Sounds like a drug" She comments softly.

"It is kind of a drug" Logan murmurs amused, not seeing the Eleanor he killed anywhere. He sees a broken girl, with a good heart, but not a killer and a murderer.

"Do you have a phone book?" Hank asks narrowing his eyes. She laughs and nods.

"And a bible too" She replies amused "It is much easier than that" She murmurs looking at the men "Michael!" She shouts looking at the door. A big tall guy enters the room.

"I need you to find someone" She tells him giving Logan a paper so he can write his name "I want to have his information ready for tomorrow morning. If I don't have the papers by 9:00 on my desk, I will make sure your wife and your kids know about Peru. Or Buenos Aires, how does that sound?" She threatens him with a serious expression.

"Mrs. Philips, I won't let you down"

"Great. Now go" She orders with a sudden nice smile. The man leaves, without a reaction at Eleanor's threat.

"Did you just threaten your employee?" Logan asks amused. She turns to look at him and shrugs.

"I believe threatening and putting someone under pressure is the best motivation to get them to do something because they will fight and they will do their best to do that" She says going back to her place "And these guys need that, they are not working at this for nothing. Plus I can trust them" She explains pointing at her head. They look at her and she sighs "Well, follow me, I'll show you your rooms" She says looking at them. They look at her confused and she turns to look at them with a smile "You didn't thought you were not staying here right?" She asks really amused at the men. Charles looks at the woman smiling a bit. Seeing her reminds him of the man he once was, before everything went down. He looks down and shakes his head.

"No, we just didn't realize where were we going to spend the night" Charles tells the woman with a slight grin. She nods and starts walking upstairs, showing each one a room until she gets a mysterious call.

"Dinner is served at 9:00 PM, and you must be starving so you don't want to miss it" She walks away and enters her room, closing her door behind her. Logan looks around.

"Charles, I am sorry to say this but this is better than your house" He jokes entering his room. Charles scoffs, being only him now in the hall. Charles walks over to Eleanor's and notices the door is not fully closed. He peeks through the door.

"No, listen to me" She says through a telephone, lighting up a cigarette "You are going to get that bloody cocaine, alright? I don't care if you have to kill every single one on that room but you have to get it" She waits for a response, with her her shakily hands as she lets out some smoke. Charles closes his eyes and closes his fists, wanting to punch the wall. He did all this. It was his fault, and that, is killing him. She walks around the room nodding "I can't go Jerry, you are on your own" She tells his friend "No, Jerry-" She groans and leans on her window frame "Jerry?" She throws the phone and bites her nails. Charles looks at the scene with watery eyes. He was so blind "Are you going to stand there all day?" She asks looking at the door nervously. Charles walks in slowly, with his passive walk and looks around the room.

"I want to ask what the hell was that, but I don't think I am going to like the answer" He says. She doesn't act like she is calming down, she continues showing her nervousness, not hiding what is happening from Charles.

"You cannot judge me for doing anything I do" She says walking around her room, going from one place to another and doing the same. Charles looks at her sadly and shakes his head.

"I am not going to judge you" He says closing his eyes "You have your drugs, I have mine" She turns to look at him taking the almost finished cigarette out of her mouth.

"You can't compare my grief, Charles"


"Don't" She tells Charles looking at him. Charles nods slowly looking at the woman. Then he looks away, staring at the floor. She sighs as she leaves the room and goes downstairs to her office to use her emergency cocaine, but Charles doesn't know that. He looks at her as she gets out and frowns. He decides to look around the room. The room is dark, the only light that enters is from the windows, which are covered by overly decorated and heavy curtains. Apart from that, it's very clean compared to his room. Although everything is correctly placed and cleverly organized, he notices some papers under her makeup table, laying on the ground.He walks over to it slowly, realizing they are letters. He reads the person who they are for, seeing it's him. These are letters from Eleanor to him. He looks at them frowning. He starts hearing her heels again and puts them in his back pocket. He leaves the room before she enters again and walks downstairs to have dinner.

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