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29th of January,1973

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29th of January,
Georgetown, Washington D.C.

Eleanor looks at her house as they enter through the door. She leaves the car looking around the property having a weird feeling. She detects a presence and as soon as she takes off her glasses, a man grabs her neck and pushes her to a wall. He tries to choke her as she tries to touch the ground with her heels. Charles rushes to her but is stopped by another man. Logan leaves the car furious and as two men get closer to him he attacks them but is stopped too. Hank is also trying to control himself from turning.

"Please, let them go" She begs worried about them noticing every body else in the house has been killed. The man laughs and looks at the others. Then he turns to look at her.

"You're cute" He comments with an evil smile "Isn't she cute?" She looks at how the man stares at her and she decides to kick him between his thighs. He lets her go and she rushes inside of the house just so the man can grab her hair and throw her to the ground. Charles's eyes widen, worried about her. She tries to get up and the man kicks her in the stomach. Logan tries to keep his cool down. He squats by her side as she rolls down stairs in pain. He aggressively grabs her face.

"What do you want?"

"Turns out, you stole from us" He says with a smile in his face "Do you recognize this man?" The man asks pointing at a dead body another one throws to the floor. Eleanor tries to keep breathing and looks at the body, seeing Jerry's face.

"He looks as shitty as you" She comments struggling to do it. She tries to get in his head but she can't for unknown reasons. Maybe he is like her but her deoxygenated body doesn't take time to think about that, or maybe is just that her deoxygenated body can't work. Charles closes his eyes the whole time, trying from time to time leave the men's grip. He can't see Eleanor like this, and he feels his legs are starting to be weaker. The man hits Eleanor's head against the floor and looks at her aiming a gun at her.

"So, you are Eleanor Philips?"

"Hell no" She replies shaking her head. She doesn't want to be that anymore.

"You fucking bitch" He comments "It's a pity I have to kill a pretty face like yours. I wasn't expecting my robber to be a woman" Eleanor narrows her eyes at his sexist comment.

"First you call me a bitch, then you underestimate me" She comments with a weak but sarcastic smile "That's not the way, honey" She extends her hand and pushes him away from her. She stands up and the men let go Hank, Logan and Charles. They aim their guns at her but Logan is quicker, attacking them and protecting Eleanor. She walks over to the man who hit her.

"You wanna know who I am? I am a survivor" She murmurs glaring at the man. She kicks him in the stomach with her heels and Logan holds him. The man looks at the woman laughing. She takes a breath and looks at the man with the gun in her hand, she puts it against the man's temple and looks at him with a glare.

"Now, you are going to leave and you are going to run away, leaving me the fuck alone" She yells at the face of the man, closer to Dark Mistress now than to Eleanor. Logan looks at her worried "And if you try to find me again, I will not doubt to kill all of you. Just because else is scared of your shit doesn't mean I am" She opens the car's door with her telekinetic powers and makes a bag move next to her. She takes what looks like 3000 dollars and places them on his hand. Then she shoots at the sky "Go!" She orders angrily. They start to leave in their cars, which are hidden behind the plants and she shoots at the road, scaring them off. She drops the gun and falls to the ground on her knees, closing her eyes as she analyzes what just happened. Logan looks at her and he knows that just because she said and did that, she is still a broken girl. They really changed the future. If Eleanor had been here alone and as broken as before, she would have killed them all. Maybe this was the breaking point. But instead, she was trying to not get them in any trouble. Logan smiles at the girl when she opens her eyes, giving her the support and comfort she needs now. She won't be Dark Mistress, she will just be Eleanor. She feels Charles hand on her shoulder as he squats beside her, looking for bruises. He frowns but caresses her cheek.

"Take your things" He order softly "We are going home"

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