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Break Fast

2nd of January,1973

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2nd of January,
Westchester, New York.

Logan knocks on Charles's door, not sure if Eleanor is in there. She stays sitting in the border of the window, not going to open the door. Logan walks in anyways.

"You should wait until the door is open or someone answers, you know" She tells him looking at the landscape. He walks over to the window.

"Woah, what are you doing?" He asks frowning. She smiles and shakes her head.

"Calm down, I am not going to kill myself" She tells him amused "It wouldn't change anything, would it?"

"It would only bring you more pain, Eleanor, trust me..." He assures the woman leaning against the window frame. She smiles and looks down.

"Ha..." She laughs softly "I don't think I can feel more pain than I already am suffering" She comments. Logan shakes his head and sits next to her, with his legs inside of the room.

"I know that feeling" He comments looking at the dark and disorganized room "What happened to you exactly?" She looks at the ground beneath her and shrugs "You saw my past and my future, didn't you?" She looks at him and nods slowly "You saw Jean?" She nods again, knowing how much it hurts him "You saw what they will do to me in the future?" She nods for the third time "Then, you know you can trust me" She sighs.

"It is the same story again and again, a tragedy after another, not leaving me enough time to be happy" She says before taking Logan's hands "I'll just show you" Logan never knew anything about Eleanor. When she shows him all the things that happened to her, Logan really sees a survivor in her eyes. He sees a strong woman that has suffered a lot "Everyone in my life leaves me, in a way or another"

"Charles will never leave you" Logan reminds her.

"He is always the exception" She murmurs looking down with a smile "Without him I am lost and I hate to say that because I shouldn't feel I need a man this much but, I can't seem to help it"

"I get you're quite a feminist" He comments with a smile. She narrows her eyes.

"Oh, I've heard the term, but I'm afraid I have no idea of what it means"

"Right, 70s" He murmurs "Sorry, I forgot... But I know Charles, and I have never seen him so in need of someone. Wow, I just came here because you weren't in your room to tell you that you need to have some breakfast" She grins at the landscape and stands up.

"Last one to reach the kitchen has to buy the other a drink" She says as she leaves her room running.

"Hey, that's cheating!" He runs too. He is stronger than her but she is faster and lighter. However, Logan wins the race and looks at how Eleanor walks over the kitchen laughing "You owe me a drink"

"That's not fair you are like three times me!" She crosses her arms over her chest and enters the kitchen with a smile. She finds Charles and Hank talking. Charles looks at Logan and smiles at him, as a 'thank you' for making her feel better. She looks at Charles as he turns to look at her "Did you get something?" She says sitting in a chair next to him. She notices a spark of hope in his eyes, seeing the Charles she met eleven years ago for a second.

"Raven didn't listen to me, she came here and she got into Cerebro, she is untraceable now" He informs as Eleanor pours some coffee in a cup. She frowns.

"What? She was here?" She asks before drinking from her coffee. Charles nods.

"It seems like she was"

"Guys, I have to show you something" He informs looking at the group. They turn to look at him confused.

The next thing Eleanor finds herself doing is walking down the halls of the mansion next to Logan and Charles, following Hank.

"I saw in the news last night. There's going to be an announcement in Washington this afternoon about a new protocol for mutants" Hank informs as he opens the doors of a small room "I set the system I designed, to record any news about Paris over all three networks and PBS" Eleanor narrows her eyes amused at a screen.

"Is that Star Trek?" She asks grinning. Hank looks at the TV.

"All three? Wow" Logan says, with Eleanor not fully getting if he was serious or if there was sarcasm.

"Yeah, and PBS" He replies to Logan, then he looks away from the TV and shrugs "I like Star Trek"

"Spock, right?" She asks raising her eyebrow. Hank nods slowly "I prefer Kirk" She adds looking at the TV. Logan looks at her raising an eyebrow and Charles turns to look at her, letting out a soft laugh.

"Nerd" Logan murmurs teasing her. She scoffs but lets Hank show them what he found.

"Look what I found" He says as he finishes finding the recording.

"Tomorrow, in front of the White House, the President will make his announcement. He will be joined by Secretary of Defense Laird and has even sought the help of renowned scientist Bolivar Trask, his special advisor to combat this mutant issue" Eleanor looks at the journalist as he informs about the announcement. She shakes her head.

"Raven doesn't realize that if she kills Trask, at an event like that with the whole world watching..." Charles starts saying, not finishing since we all know what comes next.

"Then I came a long way for nothing" Logan murmurs sighing. Eleanor shakes her head. She doesn't think that's right. She is about to add something when Hank interrupts her.

"And there's more bad news" He says "I saw in a report they found traces of her blood in Paris" Charles covers his face and passes it through his face to cover his mouth "For all we know, they already have her DNA which is all they'd need to create the Sentinels of the future" They all stay silent for s moment "There's a theory in quantum physics that time is immutable" Hank tells the three mutants narrowing his eyes "It's like a river. You can throw a pebble into it... And create a ripple, but the current always corrects itself. No matter what you do, the river just keeps flowing in the same direction"

"What are you trying to say?" Logan asks narrowing his eyes. Hank sighs and shakes his head.

"What I'm saying is, what if the war is inevitable? What if she's meant to kill Trask?" He asks "What if this is just
simply who she is?"

"So, what you are saying is that I am to become into a killer because that is who I am?" Eleanor asks narrowing her eyes at Hank, feeling offended and worried about herself. Charles smiles shaking his head.

"Just because someone stumbles, loses their way... Doesn't mean they're lost forever" He adds smiling at the other mutants "No, I don't believe that theory, Hank. And I cannot believe that is who she is" Charles says "Ready the plane. We're going to Washington"

I'm sorry for my lack of activity here, but I'm just really busy! I hope you enjoyed that ❤️

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