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Eleanor and Sophie walk out of the polish airport with a smile. Sophie feels really happy to be in a place that isn't United States. She lets out a little scream, noting it's cold in Poland and it's January. Erik leaves his car and rushes to hug Eleanor. She hugs him with a smile.

"Hey! I bring company with me" She says with a wide smile "Erik, this is my sister Sophie" She says pulling away and pointing at the girl. Erik looks at them shocked.

"It is all good, don't worry" Sophie says noticing his reaction "I just wanted to leave United States, and my sister told me you were like a brother to her. Suddenly, it was my dream to come to Poland" She explains with a big smile. Erik lets out some air and looks at Eleanor raising one eyebrow. She nods and chuckles.

"Come on, let's go! I wanna meet them!" Eleanor exclaims rushing Erik so he takes their suit cases and puts them in his car. Sophie sits in the back while Eleanor sits in the front, next to Erik. They tell him how did she found her and how did they meet. Then, they arrive at a small and wooden house in the middle of the forest.

"This is my home" Erik says as they get their things out of the car. Eleanor walks over to the front door and knocks on the door. A young woman with dark hair opens the door. Erik enters the house and places a kiss on her lips.

"Hello" He says with a smile. She smiles back at him and turns to look at Eleanor.

"You must be Eleanor, nice to meet you" She says placing two kisses on her cheeks. She smiles at her "I've heard so much about you"

"I am glad to finally meet you, Magda. I've heard a lot about you too" She says with a really wide smile "This is my sister, Sophie" She introduces her sister turning to look at her. Magda kisses both of her cheeks and smiles.

"Nice house, I love wooden houses" Sophie exclaims looking around with her typical enthusiasm "Where's the baby?" Eleanor looks at her sister and sighs.

"You're being too direct, again" She comments, making her sister cover her mouth chuckling. Erik frowns at Sophie and Magda laughs.

"She is here, come" She tells them with a smile. Magda starts walking towards a room as Sophie follows her. Erik walks along with Eleanor.

"Eleanor, I-"

"It's okay, Erik. I am alright, and I understand you didn't tell me" She replies looking at him "She is very peculiar, isn't she?"

"Yes, she is" Erik comments looking at Eleanor's sister with a smile "Is she a mutant?" Eleanor nods.

"She is such a gift, to me and to everyone" She murmurs looking at how Sophie walks into a room with Magda "She has the ability to speak with dead people and telekinesis" She says looking at Erik "I spoke with my parents, Erik" Erik narrows his eyes.

"She can do that?" Erik asks curiously and shocked "Wow, your family sure knows how to create powerful minds" Eleanor chuckles and they walk into the room.

"Aww, she is so little!" Sophie exclaims looking at the baby Magda is holding "She is like a tiny fluffy teddy bear, with less hair and cuter" She comments looking at the baby happily. Eleanor walks over and smiles at the baby.

"Can I hold her?" She asks Magda.

"Of course" Magda replies with a nice smile, placing the baby carefully on her arms. She smiles at the little creature.

"What's her name?" Sophie asks grinning at the baby, who is now is her sister's arms. Erik surrounds Magda's waist with his arm and smiles at his wife.

"We are still not sure about the name yet" Eleanor looks at the baby and bites her lip. She is happy but there's something missing in her life. If she could have children, that would fill that blank space. But at least she has a family, she has Charles, she has the school and she has the opportunity to defend mutants. She looks at the little girl and smiles.

"I think Nina suits her" She says looking at the baby, who is looking at her with a grin. She makes a soft noise "Hi, I'm auntie El" She tells her softly with a nice smile on her face. Erik looks at Magda, who is nodding with I smile.

"I love it" She comments with her polish accent. She walks over to Eleanor and smiles at her looking at her daughter.

"She is so beautiful" Eleanor murmurs placing her back in Magda's arms. She smiles at Eleanor as she leaves the baby on a crib. Sophie stares at the baby with a smile before they all leave the room to the one next door, which is a tiny living room.

"I am so glad to finally meet you. Erik has told me wonderful things about you, I was really excited to meet you" Magda says sitting down in front of Eleanor. Erik shrugs and sits next to his wife.

"I have been looking forward to meeting you for a while, he also spoke really well about you" She replies. Sophie watches her sister as she takes a white (sobre) that she hands to Magda "I wanted to buy a gift but I had no idea what to get you, so I decided this was the best thing" Eleanor says with a small smile. Erik frowns at her and looks at what's inside.

"Eleanor, you shouldn't have" Erik says shaking his head "We can't accept it-"

"You will accept it" She replies before he can finish. Sophie's eyes widen when she sees all that money together.

"Oh my god, where did you get that? That's like a lot of money, do you know what I could do with that much?" Sophie exclaims really quickly. Eleanor chuckles and looks at her.

"I don't want to know" She adds grimacing. Sophie rolls her eyes "I have a lot of money Joel left me and Charles has the access to all his family's money" She explains looking at Erik and Magda.

"I feel bad either way" Magda says frowning at Eleanor.

"Seriously take it, I don't need it" She insists with a nod. Magda looks at Erik and he shrugs.

"She's really stubborn, we'll have to take it" He says looking at his wife. She nods and turns to look at Eleanor.

"You are an angel, Eleanor"

"Yeah, you are" Sophie says looking at Eleanor with a wide smile as she puts her hands on her sister's shoulders.

"I am not getting you a car, Sophie" Eleanor says closing her eyes and shaking her head slightly. Sophie sighs and puts away her hands from Eleanor's shoulders. She is already accustomed to Sophie's personality. She is honest, direct, cheerful and funny. She is the type of person who always makes situations better and draws smiles in people's faces. And that is not a mutation, it's just who she is.

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