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The Pentagon,Washington D

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The Pentagon,
Washington D.C.

"They are trapped" She informs Logan and Charles as they walk through the halls. Erik starts climbing out of his cell and Peter looks at him as if nothing happened.

"In three seconds, those doors are going to open" He says looking at the door "And 20 guards will be here to shoot us" Erik tells the boy. Peter moves to his side putting his hand behind his neck and grabs him by the arm.

"I know. That's what I'm waiting for" Peter looks at the door too and Erik looks confused at the boy.

"What are you doing?"

"I'm holding your neck so you don't get whiplash" He answers seriously.

"What?" He turns to look at Erik.

"Whip-laaaash" Peter says before grinning widely. Eleanor smiles and shakes her head. The door opens and they get out of the cell. Eleanor sees how Peter sees the moment, and everything is going slower for him. She gets out of his head, having to stop when her head starts to suddenly hurt.

"Fuck" She murmurs holding her head into her hands as she uses a wall to lean on. Charles rushes quickly next to her.

"Eleanor, love" He says not realizing what he is saying. He puts his arm in Eleanor's waist and helps her to stand up "Is everything okay?"

"Yes, it's just that my head could not stand that much. He was going too fast" She says opening her eyes. She looks at Charles and shakes her head "It was so weird... Everything was slower, my mind couldn't take it"

"Alright, take a breath and we'll continue" Charles tells her putting his hand on Eleanor's shoulder.

"They are already out" She informs looking at both men.

"Then we should get going" Logan says looking at the woman. She nods and looks at Charles before he lets her go. They start walking again and she stretches her limbs and her head as they go. Eleanor points at the kitchen's door when they arrive.

"That's the one" They walk into the kitchen and Charles starts speaking.

"Ladies and gentlemen, boys and girls, this is a Code Red situation. We are evacuating the entire floor..." He makes up "So that my associates and I... Can, uh, secure the prison" Eleanor tries not to laugh at his poor improvisation.

"Who are you?" One of the guards asks.

"We're... Special operations, CB... FB-CID" Eleanor rolls her eyes and Logan narrows his eyes at Charles "Perhaps you didn't hear me when first I spoke but it is imperative that you understand we're in a complete lockdown situation" Logan looks at Eleanor and she gives a slight nod "We have to get you to the third floor-"

Logan starts walking and punches a guy the chest while he hits the other one with a pan. Eleanor kicks the guy he punched and grabs his arm, putting him in the floor. Then, she presses her heel into his arm and he faints from the pain. She takes her heel out and uses the water from the fire alarm to clean the blood. Charles notices the blood and he hopes she didn't kill him.

"I just hurt him, don't worry" She murmurs looking at him. Logan throws away his pan and looks at Charles.

"Oh, I'm sorry" He says sarcastically "Were you finished?" Charles looks at the men and takes the key to open the elevators door.

"I'm sorry, I'm just not very good with violence" He opens the door and turns around when it's fully opened. Erik looks at the man in front of him and narrows his eyes at him.

"Charles?" Charles looks at Erik for a second and the next one he punches him, making him fall to the ground. Charles collides with a wall and moves his fist, which is hurting "Good to see you too, old friend. And walking" He says as he notices he is standing up.

"No thanks to you" Charles tells him with disgust and grief in his eyes

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"No thanks to you" Charles tells him with disgust and grief in his eyes. He stands up looking at Charles. Logan looks from the corner of his eyes to Eleanor. Who is being tempted to take a gun and fire it, but she can't do that. She is many things, but she is not a traitor. He notices a nervous Eleanor in the background and looks at her. Charles lets him leave the elevator to say something to Eleanor, knowing she is not going to react nicely.

"Eleanor..." He walks over to her slowly. When he is going to give her a hug she steps back.

"No, don't touch me" She tells him. Erik doesn't listen to her and surrounds his arms around her. She tries to get him away from her but she can't so she just yells at him "Do not fucking touch me!" Charles starts walking in their direction but Logan stops him, hoping Eleanor will do the right thing.

"I am sorry, Eleanor" He whispers into her ear. She starts to cry and hugs him tightly, grabbing his suit, giving in.

"You better be" She tells him as loud as she can, which is loud enough for him to hear "You have no idea how hard this past decade it's been for me..." She says finally stopping to cry. She has learned to control her emotions, but she is still a Scorpio. Although Charles is worse than her, being a Pisces. He pulls away and turns to look at Charles.

"You're the last people in the world I expected to see today"

"Believe me when I say I wouldn't be here if I didn't have to" Charles tells him gritting his teeth "If we get you out of here, we do it my way. No killing"

"No helmet" He says with a smile "I couldn't disobey you even if I wanted" Charles gets closer to him with an intimidating look in his eyes. Eleanor never saw him this angry, and she looks at him slightly narrowing her eyes.

"I'm never getting inside of that head again. I need your word, Erik" He gives Charles a slight nod and Eleanor turns around rushed, hearing the thoughts of some guards. The doors open and Erik turns to look at the door too. Erik starts to step back and so does Eleanor.

"Nobody move!" A guard yells.

"Hold it right there!"

"Charles" Erik says not too loud.

"Don't move!"

"Hands up, or we will shoot!"

"Freeze them, Charles" He orders his old friend.

"I can't" Eleanor and Erik turn to look at him. Erik looks at Eleanor as they continue shouting. Erik starts to control all the metal in the room. Eleanor looks at the room with her eyes widened.

"No!" Charles exclaims pushing Erik, and standing before Eleanor, as a way of protecting her. She extends her hand and drops all the metal objects Erik moved. Suddenly, all the guards start to hit each other and themselves. The bullets end in the elevator and Charles lets Erik go, looking at Eleanor instead. She looks back at him.

"Thank you, Charles" She tells him with a smile that only he can see. Then she feels Erik staring at them and she starts to walk out of the room, noticing Peter did all this. She gives him a slight smile "Let's go"

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