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31th of January,1973

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31th of January,
Westchester, New York.

They walk down the illuminated hall, in direction of Cerebro. Eleanor walks behind the men sadly, with short steps and a slow tempo.

"When was the last time you were down here?" Logan asks looking at Hank.

"The last time we went looking for students"

"A lifetime ago" Charles answers looking at the round door in front of him. He sighs as a blue light is projected on his face.

"Welcome, Professor" A robotic female voice is heard. Eleanor starts to remember how all of this started, making her feel nostalgic. Charles turns his face, getting the images that appear in Eleanor's mind. She smiles at him slightly. She remembers finding the students with Charles and helping them. She misses that. She wants to be helpful again. The door starts opening and they walk into the big round room.

"Raven's wounded. She won't be moving fast" Hank says turning some switches on. Charles takes the machine's conector to his brain and blows some air at it, making the dust fly away.

"These are muscles I haven't stretched in a long time" He puts it on slowly and the machine starts to function. He takes some air and Eleanor puts her hand on the wheelchair. The room turns blue and red, Eleanor feels all this pain and suffering as she finds herself gritting her teeth. Charles starts to groan as the images around them start to turn around them. There's a lot of noise; screams and cries from the people asking for help fill the round room. He screams as the controls start to break. He lets the helmet fall to the ground and he breathes heavily. Hank and Eleanor get closer to him.

"Charles!" Hank calls him "Charles? It's all right" He looks at the machine as Eleanor looks at him and Hank stands up "I'll go check the generator" Eleanor kneels next to his wheelchair taking his hand. He doesn't hold hers back but Eleanor doesn't let his go.

"It's not the machinery, is it?" Logan asks looking at him. Charles shakes his head sadly and frustrated.

"I can't do this. My mind-"

"Yes, you can, Charles" Eleanor tells him sitting in his lap and taking his head between her hands. He avoids looking at her and shakes his head.

"N-no... It won't take it" He replies looking away. Eleanor makes him face her and she looks at him.

"Charles, baby, you can do this" She murmurs supportingly.

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