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Washington D.C. International Airport,
Washington D.C.

Eleanor takes her backpack and her small suitcase out of the car as Charles and Hank say goodbye to Peter. She is not only taking maps and material they may find useful, she is also taking clothes, make-up and her personal-hygiene-kit.

"Peter, thank you very, very much" Charles tells the young man with a smile. He sees Eleanor carrying her things and walks over to her taking her suitcase. She gives him a small smile "You take care"

"Hey, I saw your flight plan in the cockpit" He comments curiously "Why are you going to Paris?" Charles turns to look at Hank and then at Eleanor, who sighs with a smile.

"I'm afraid we can't tell you" She answers with a nice smile "Unless you want to come with us, you may come in handy"

"I'd love to, I'd really do but, Paris?" He says with his usual quickly rhythm "My mother would go nuts" He murmurs shaking his head.

"It's a pity" She comments giving the young man a short hug. Charles puts a hand in Eleanor's back and they start to get on the plane. Charles throws the keys of the car to Peter.

"Do me a favor and return it for me" He tells him with a smile.

"Okay" Peter nods looking at the keys.

"And, Peter?" He looks at him with a smile "Take it slow" Peter laughs and waves at Hank as he gets on the plane too. Eleanor looks at how Erik and Logan are talking, as she waits for Charles. Charles leaves her suitcase under a table and looks at where Eleanor is looking.

"Where did they dig you up?" He asks looking out of the window.

"You're gonna find this hard to believe... But, uh, you sent me. You and Charles. From the future" Logan tells him, receiving a confused look from Erik. Charles looks at Eleanor putting his hand on her chin. She makes her face him.

"Erik is not the same we both knew" He tells her. She looks at him and shakes her head.

"Charles, I don't-" She is interrupted by a cough, coming from behind Charles, who is blocking the stairs. He moves aside and lets Hank get into the plane "I don't want to think that is right. If he is a coldhearted killer and can't be changed, can we change?" She asks him in a murmur.

"Eleanor, I know I am-" He starts saying sadly "I know this is not the Charles you love but... I have suffered so much" He says really low. Eleanor passes her hand through his hair getting emotional, showing how truly sweet and broken she is.

"Me too, Charles, me too" He looks at her and looks down. She starts to walk in direction of the toilet, with her backpack. Erik and Logan look at her as she enters the toilet.

Eleanor looks at herself in the mirror. She seems vulnerable, sad and lonely. She finds herself smiling at her reflection in the mirror, trying to lie to the girl in front of her. She takes a plastic bag with white powder from inside of her backpack. Eleanor takes a book and sits on the toilet. She creates lines with the white powder on the cover of the book. Then, she takes a ten-dollar bill and rolls it. She looks at it before starting to sniff the substance into her body. She closes her eyes, feeling miserable as she does drugs in the toilet of a plane. Not just a plane, though. It's Charles's plane. However, she opens her eyes, knowing this will make her feel better, because that's what she does it for. She sniffs the substance through the rolled bill and wrinkles her nose after doing it. She repeats the same process and the book falls to the ground in the third line. She curses under her breath and laughs softly. She stands up and looks at the girl again, not recognizing her as Eleanor. She tilts her head.

"You stupid, little bitch" She insults the girl with a grin. Then she laughs and leaves the toilet, leaving the book and the bag of white powder in it. She walks over to a seat and looks out of the window with a smile.

During all of this, Charles is sitting in a hidden booth of his plane, rereading the letters she wrote. He read them last night, and still his bright blue eyes are feeling watery. He never thought she would be like this for so long. He was sure she would forget him. Turns out he was wrong. Charles feels every word, imagining her voice as he reads the letters. He covers his mouth and looks out of the window as he reads a letter from 1969 that breaks his heart. He places the letters on a table and he blinks trying not to cry. He kicks the seat in front of him. He realizes how sad their story is. It is full of ironies and similarities. Charles feels the guilt for everything that happened between them. He made her leave him so she could have a normal life, with a family and a life full of joy. But she couldn't have a family nor obtain any joy out of it. Like she remarks on her letters, she did enjoy some parts of those 7 years, but it is not comparable.

He cleans his tears and stands up, putting his letters on the back pocket of his jeans. He walks over to where he finds Eleanor sitting. She looks at him and he sits next to her. He kisses her forehead, surrounding her body with his arms. She doesn't know what this sudden action is about but she doesn't care, because she likes it. She feels safe in his arms. It finally feels good.

"I like this..." She murmurs with a strange voice. Charles pulls her closer and shakes his head.

"I missed you" He whispers.

Seriously, I am so dramatic and cruel I would be against me if I were you guys 😂

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