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Emma looks at Eleanor as she lets go of Sophie's hands

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Emma looks at Eleanor as she lets go of Sophie's hands. Although she is not touching her anymore, she has finally gotten how to do this. She stares at Emma with a smile.

"You saved her?" She asks her friend happily. Emma nods.

"Of course. I couldn't save your parents, but I could take her away and save her. I couldn't live knowing that I was the reason your family died" Emma admits looking at her friend.

"Emma... You were not the reason, I-" She starts saying "I am sorry for treating you like I did. I shouldn't have"

"You had your right. Your parents were gone because I was a shithead" Emma says looking at her friend "I am the one who is sorry, I just couldn't tell you back in the day"

"It wasn't my best day" She says scoffing.

"Yeah, I know" Emma murmurs chuckling. Sophie looks at both of them, having to see everything in order for them to speak "All I want you to know is, that I love you, Eleanor. You were my first, only and best friend. No one would have replaced you, and you are really special. Keep doing what do you, keep being a strong woman. Before I go, I want you to promise me something"

"Whatever you want" She says her friend emotionally. Emma smiles and looks at her friend with watery eyes.

"Live for me, fight for me, and always remember me. That's all I am asking" Emma says with a sad smile. Eleanor nods at her friend. Sophie stands up and looks at Emma crying.

"I will miss you, Emma"

"I will be fine. Take care" She says looking at the younger sister. Emma raised her, Emma took care of her and Emma taught her "Goodbye, my friend. Goodbye, Sophie" She says cleaning a tear from her cheek. Eleanor and Sophie watch her as she disappears and vanishes in the atmosphere. Eleanor covers her mouth and sits on the chair, trying not to cry. Sophie looks at her and puts a hand on her back, comforting her.

"Thank you, Sophie" She says looking at her sister as she cleans her tears "Thank you so much"

"You're welcome" She replies with a sweet smile. Eleanor looks at her sister, noticing she can manage to keep on smiling, just like their father. Eleanor shakes her head and invites Sophie to sit in front of her.

"So, you are 15" Eleanor states looking at her sister with a smile. Sophie nods with a smile "Tell me something about you, I'd like to know my sister" Sophie grins and looks at the ceiling.

"I escaped a psychiatrist for five times, they thought I was crazy. Until you appeared on TV that day, I finally was free" She narrates looking at her sister "I love chocolate. My favorite color is blue and my favorite food are nachos" She says proudly "My mutations are telekinesis and the spiritual mediumship. I am really interested in writing, and I love to play the piano. I don't know how to play it, but I love it" Eleanor looks at her sister and nods, listening to her as she tells her everything. She is 15 years old, she is just a kid "Your turn"

"I am married, to Charles, the man you met in the entrance and I have a foster brother called Erik. I have been a nurse, a psychologist, a teacher, an assassin and right now I'm a politician, kind of" She explains with a smile "I prefer sweets rather than chocolate, black is my favorite color and my favorite food are spaghetti" She adds making her sister chuckle "My mutations are telepathy, telekinesis, empathy, psychometry, superhuman mentality, agility and superhuman healing" She starts to name. Sophie's eyes widen and she laughs shocked.

"Wow, those are a lot!" She comments exclaiming. Eleanor nods and smiles.

"I know" She says with a grin, seeing her sister's reaction. Charles knocks on the door and enters the room looking at Eleanor "Hello, honey" She greets with a nice smile.

"Hi, love, I could hear you two are having a good time" Charles comments looking at the girls. They look at each other and smile.

"Eleanor rocks" Sophie murmurs before laughing. Eleanor looks at her and watches her as she laughs. She starts laughing too, since her laugh is contagious. Charles frowns and chuckles.

"Is that in your genes or what?" He asks frowning. Eleanor shrugs and looks at him, planning on telling him tonight everything that happened.

"I guess it is"

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