Luke Imagine -

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"LEAVE ME ALONE!" You screamed as the school bully was ready to beat you up. "PLEASE" you start to cry, making your mascara run. "What are you going to do about it? Take a blade to ur wrist?" (Ik this is a personal topic I'm sorry if any of you suffer from it. If you do please stay strong) you looked at the bully with his tear filled eyes, how did he know? Soon he punched you in the stomach. You winced in pain. "What are you going to do about it? Your little popstar boyfriend going to come to your rescue?! Too bad princess! He isn't here to save you. He is touring while a million girls scream his name" then he through a punch at your arm, making more tears fall. "Leave. Her. Alone." You turn to see Luke standing there. By now you were on the ground. Luke walk up to the boy, towering over him. "You fucking bitch DONT TOUCH MY GIRLFRIEND" next thing you know Luke is beating up the gang. The gang flees, and Luke runs over to you. "Baby are you ok?! Oh my god (Y/N) boo your bleeding. Oh my god I'm so sorry." Luke started to cry. You ment everything to him. He picked you up bride style and carried you to his car. "Babe it's going to be ok I promise." You guys drive in silence. Finally you speak up as you were getting close to home "I thought you were on tour.." You said weakly. "I came back early. Thank god I did." Finally he pulled up into your driveway. He parked the car and carried you inside. He carefully sat you down on your bed. "Do you need anything?" "Maybe an icepack" you replied. Your bully can really throw a punch. When Luke came back with your icepack, he laid down next to you. He made sure not to touch any parts that might be in a lot of pain. "You need some sleep princess. Night (Y/N)" "good night Luke, I love you. Thank you for saving me Prince Charming" you say smiling.

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