Another Update:( || explaining

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I'm sorry if you thought I was coming back. I'm still not sorry. A lot of stuff has happened the last few weeks (if you follow my twitter you know, but for whose don't, I'll explain)

So basically I had this friend, who always caused drama.

So I kindly told her I didn't want to be friends.

That caused drama.

So I was forced back into a friendship.

She said rude things to me, made fun of me, tried to change my entire personality.

I talk to my mom about these things, so at first I just talked to her. Then I saw a tweet she had sent out basically talking about how she thinks about killing me 90% of the time whenever she sees me (she didn't tag me or use a name, but it was obvious it was me)

My mom said that was a threat and so we went to the principal for it. In our public schools (I'm in a private school) she would have been set to the police office and been thrown in jail. So yeah I have been dealing with that

Then this morning my Twitter got suspended and almost deleted (thank the Lord though I got it back)

Also I have a really mean sister and this has not been her happy week basically

So yeah the reason I'm telling you this is because I had 2.6K reads and now I have 2.5K reads. I didn't know it was possible to loose reads 0.o

Thank you to everyone who has stayed faithful to me! Its been a hard week for me thats why I stepped away from writing.

Now I need your help

Should I keep writing? Or should I end this book and the planned 1D imagines. Tell me by either commenting or voting.

Thank you guys for being patient :)

Twitter: @ashtonbearirwin

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