Ashton Imagine -

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You were studying hard for your exams. You let your head all onto your math book. You just didn't understand anything. You let out a small grown in frustration. Suddenly you felt a pair of hands on your shoulders. "Shhh babe, whats wrong?" You hear Ashton's soothing voice say. "I don't understand anything" you say. "Here (Y/N) let me help you." He pulled up a chair and began to explain to you. You couldn't pay attention though. You were lost in the beautiful green eyes you had fallen in love with. Suddenly you felt yourself leaning in and kissing Ashton. You could feel him smiling into the kiss. "I should help you more often" Ashton says smirking, making you blush. "Yes, yes you should."


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@ashtonbearirwin because I'm 100 away from 1,000!!!!!:)

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